testing something..


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member

I added a new tag called img2. Use it just like the img tag with the [ and the ] around it - except you can add an =left or =right to the first tag to make the picture line up to one side and allow the text to show up BESIDE the pic instead of above or below..

So, instead of [ img ] [ /img ]

use [ img2=left ] [ /img2 ]

without the spaces, of course..

ooohhh good idea.

I just thought it was a funky thing to have.

It appears that if you put enough text into your post, then the pics line up fairly well to each side and the sig gets pushed down to where it belongs.
You mean Moparts is paying to keep the lights on over here just so we'll stay away from over there?? Schweet!! We'll have to stop by over there from time to time to thank them personally[smilie=i: :bwuhaha:
I don't know about you but lids are illegal in my country, besides I have not smoked in over 15 years :giggedy:
WfrickinKRP, man.

Venus gets wasted on air as part of a test to show listeners how drinking affects your reaction time.

He's pissed that the cop has a hat and he doesn't.
Venus says, "He'sh gotta hat. I wanna hat!"
He finally gets one from Arthur Carlson.
Venus says, "Thanks for the lid, Art."

c'MON PeepULL, Stay with me heeeeeruh. I can't put this show on all by myself you know!! All right! Everybody take 5.
Dammit where's my Latte?!

"You didn't ask for.."

Well I'm asking now! It should be here already!

Quick! Someone tell me the story about the pros, the elected ones and the neutrons before I have a stroke!

