sweet home--chicago!!!


Tank driver
my family and i are going to chicago over labor day weekend. anyone have any suggestions as to what to do?

family is 3 teenagers+parents
Go to the top of the Sears Tower. My old man used to buy tickets for the EL and we'd ride that around for a couple hours.

EDIT: you'd probably get shot now but it was a cool way to see the city cheap.
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from http://www.chicago-l.org/fares/index.html

When the CTA took over, it raised "L" fares from 10¢ to 12¢. By 1952, the CTA fare was up to 20¢. In 1957, the base fare was raised to 25¢, where the rates stayed for ten years. In 1961, a new charge of 5¢ was added for a transfer. On August 18, 1965, the Illinois State Legislature authorized the first reimbursement to the CTA for its long-standing program of providing reduced fares for elementary and high school students. On April 20, 1969, the first reduced fare for senior citizens took effect for those riding between 9 am and 3 pm Monday through Saturday and from 7 am to midnight Sundays and holidays. This service was extended to all hours November 5, 1972. The closing years of the 1960s saw CTA fares go up to 30¢ (1967), 40¢ (1969) and by 1970 the fare was up to 45¢, with 10¢ for a transfer.
The new approach of municipal ownership worked for a generation, but as quickly rising fares proved, it began to fail around 1970 as system-generated revenues no longer could be stretched to cover operating costs, equipment renewal and investments. The creation of the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) in 1973 helped keep fares relatively stable through that decade. Public transit would now be subsidized. On March 10, 1974 the CTA began to offer bargain fares on Sundays and on June 2 began the experimental use of a Sunday "Super Transferpass," permitting unlimited riding for a single fare. On November 26, 1979, the Monthly Pass went on sale.

Aha! :dance: after spending time on the site I wanna go again!
nice. i'm only there for five days. that's a great way to spend a day..

Anyone know of any really nice places to hike or take a bike ride?
question about the sears tower: It has all those multiple tops. Are they all open to human travel?

all but three those are reserved for aliens but you should be fine . as long as you have a half pack of cigarettes and a full tank of gas step on it
I know when I was 5 or 6 in '73, '74 ?? all you had to do was hop on the elevator, now they have tours and mall etc. = $$$$$

edit: maybe that was the John Hancock building. :huh

