Surprise !


Well-known member
Last w/e i was invited to a surprise birthday party for a Moparnut who is also a very close friend of mine. The party was organized by his lovely wife as payback for him having done the same to her. Rob informed his wife that there would be "no way" she'd ever be able to catch him off what's a woman to do ? Lets just say that she got him back ....and good.

The plan was to take him out for a birthday dinner while his buddys gathered at the house and decorated. Of course we got into the beer and one thing led to another. Next thing you know someone fires up Rob's beloved 70 Cuda Ragtop and backs it onto the front lawn
A couple of neighbours come over to see what the heck is going on....all these half cut gearheads standing on the front lawn and giggling like a bunch of 3rd graders. Out i go with the camera...gotta get a pic of this
I mention to Rob's brother that we should put a "for sale" sign in front of it....sort of an icing on the cake for Birthday Boy. Sure enough the idea is well recieved and off i go into the basement for some rattlecan orange and black paint along with a nice piece of cardboard.

Let's just say the recipient of said prank was speechless upon arrival. A good time was had by all and no Cuda's were sold

Here are a couple of pics for your viewing pleasure. The lad in the second pic is Rob's brother Harry....he does look rather pleased with himself don't ya think ?


Ps. Happy belated 39th to Kamcuda


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LMAO! I bet he was hot when he saw his car for sale!!:D Sounds like a greta time was had though!:dance:
OMG. thats outstanding guys:dance: . what a perfect gift. friends, beer:bravo: & a great prank[smilie=2:

happy BDAY Rob

Da-ho said:
How much beer does it take for you guys to think up this stuff?:bwuhaha:
Not too much beer LOL.:bravo:

It was a great time. My wife is outstanding. She arranged a guys only event too and she left with the kid to allow the guys their fun.

BTW... First time I have seen those pics. I figured I would get atleast one offer for $995 for a 70 convertible:gaga:

Ron, thanks again for being lead coordinator and brionging me a load of Mopar parts.:giggedy:

Ron also helped change the cam in the 440. Now thats a great weekend.

Thanks for the birthday wishes.:p

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