stupid questions deserve stupid answers


Hey, wassup you guys... I'm back online again. this puter sometimes gives me heartburn. Well I finally broke down and got some much needed counseling:doh: And my spelling isn't to good right now should have been asleep a long time ago. I wrote a little something to help me through my grieving time (my shrink said I should, that it would help.:huh:) When I got done with it, I thought that it might be something that I could share with you.. In the process I figured out that I think that I can write pretty well. So now here is the stupid question. How do attach it?????? I have fallen and I can't get up.:bwuhaha::tats:
You might consider posting it in the hemi-riods section if you don't want non-member, anonymous ya-hoos to read it.
Hi Karen, hope you are doing well. It's really great to see you around here again, hope you stick around, this place can really be some good therapy when you're feeling down ( I know it helps me), and we're always good for a few laughs daily ( just ask XL to show you his shriveled wiener)...[smilie=f: Keep in touch!

