Still Breathing


That's It! I'm
Just thought I would drop in and say hello to everyone.

I know I have been scarce around here. After working the pharmaceutical business for more than 15 years, I teamed up with a few partners and we started our own R&D Pharmaceutical Lab in August of this year. The planning was in the works for over a year.......thus the reason for not being around.[smilie=f:

Hope everyone is doing well! I'll check back in from time to time.

As a side note.....Noda, your ride is looking awesome and Rusty, post some full body shots of your 73. I want to see where you are on the project.
Full Body Shots![smilie=2: a tad personal there don't ya think!:D
Yea, I guess it's about time, it's in various stages of disarray, was hoping to at least get it on the ground, Next time I untarp the beast I'll shoot a few angles, I need to update the banner shot too, tired of looking at that prime!
Good luck with the new business, Rich.
Hey Winger!!!! ?weren't you and your partners a band in the 80's??
Good to hear from you again!!

