Some downtime tonight!


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
The server is being moved tonight between 9 PM and 5 AM tomorrow.

I was just told at 3:46 PM today. awesome.

I'm going to start a backup in a second. So, g'night.
It's not nice to do this, first I thought my ISP was down, then I thought it might be a problem with the browser, after that I tried my laptop, 2 different browsers again, Googling the home page, then the cold sweats started. What was I to do?? [smilie=f:

Lest you not forget, I'm a fragile old man, I cannot be subjected to this type of withdrawel without it causing some type of symptoms.

Luckily, this time didn't turn out to be a total disaster and I survived. But in the future, if there is a short notice, it would be appreciated if you could give a better forewarning. And if the time does not allow a forewarning, just send the the EMT's to my home address. :helpme:
I've programmed the site to monitor your attempts to access and after 3 failures, dispatches EMTs directly.

Of course, if the site is down.....


I was pissed at the short notice and this is the worst possible time for this kind of stuff. I'm the busiest I expect to be at work this year.

But it looks like all went well. Although I can't even tell if we got moved. It was a physical move. So nothing actually changed on the server. It's just in a shiny new data centre now.
HEY! It was 2:30AM to 5:30AM EST when the server was down.

What the heck were you doing up anyway!!!
DCF should start personal phone calls to all those affected :) j/k

Glad it seems like everything worked out, but i think Jester got loose again.
It's actually pretty funny. Call it and see what it is. :p just use your cell or else I'm sure there is a long distance charge.
It would LD on my cell too.

I'll try it on my MagicJack line.

I know what it is now, though.
Funny shit, SmellsLike! :D

Of course, I instantly got a text message afterward offering me more humorous stuff weekly, but I just deleted it.

