
Exactly! Let's also outlaw 60 something women in poodle skirts. *shudders* I think people my parents' age celebrating their youth is wonderful, but what happens when people become nostalgic for the 80's? 60 Year old women in spandex and leg warmers? The thought of spandex on legs that could stunt double for Jimmy Dean sausage makes me want to vomit. The madness has to stop somewhere!
I agree with all of the above..

But specifically about the music, I'd want to have a sound system that had speakers everywhere rather than 2 in one spot blasting out trying to reach everyone.
With a bunch of speakers, you could turn the frickin volume down and then EVERYONE could have an enjoyable time - not just those out of range of the ear busters.

Now I like loud music but not when I'm trying to talk to someone about a car.

Something else I'd be sure to do is tie the show to a charity or a few. Even if it's just 50/50 draws. The charity aspect makes it easier to get some prizes donated and the prizes draw more people and cars. I think it will also keep organizers and volunteers more committed to keep things rolling.

If we're talking a big car show, then there has to be some special interest cars and that usually takes some money. That'd mean registration fees and spectator entry fees. If done right, that can work well.

MOPARFest does all of that and is tied to a few charities and it works very well. It brings in a lot of sponsors and vendor donations. Heck, they give away a car and a crate engine - your name goes into the hat just for having a car on the field. There's a ton more prizes for participants and spectators, too.

A good sized swap meet area is mandatory.
I'm on the fence as to whether the knick-knack and kitsch vendors should be in their own area or mixed in with the parts vendors. On one hand, it makes getting through the real parts a lot easier. On the other hand, if you're there with spouse and kids, it's good to have it mixed so you can all walk through together and there's something for everyone to peruse....

And do the car show at a huge hotel with a room included in the registration fee so I don't have to camp or surf a couch... :p
Thanks guys :)
I was elected to take over the car show here in my hometown. I went to ask for help doing a fundraiser I'm directing for the autism support group I've developed and it sounded like they weren't going to have the show this year. It wasn't my intension to take over, but if it means to save the show and help support my fundraiser I will take on the job.
The guy who's in charge of the music is pretty good about what to play. He's in a rock-n-roll band and has a sweet PA system. I like Daves idea on having several speakers spread throughout the field.
I haven't seen our show host a swap meet, but that would be good idea too.
The car show has always been a free event, but we'll be asking for donations. I have recuited a reputable automotive designer to do the designwork for posters and t-shirts. Found him through and I'm very excited to have his help!
I appreciate your input! Keep the ideas flowing--

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Is this more like a smaller cruise-in rather than a full bore once a year car show?

I'm just trying to gauge things...
There are weekly cruise-ins around here for charity and they do well - a few hundred cars every week and some travel to the different towns to participate in more than one.

Those don't generally get bigger in terms of activities than music, 50/50 draw, some "run-up-to-the-PA-tent-and-tell-me-...." give aways and some door prizes.

but they are great fun and you see a lot of great cars.

A swap meet wouldn't work too well in that kind of show.
This is a once a year show. I liked how the previous shows were handled and would like to keep some of the things the same, but add more interest to promote more people to show up.
Two other artists from the Hub will donate a few prints of their artwork to sell, as I will be doing to the same. Thought that would be fun--something new.
The one thing I would do is not limit any makes or specific years. Some shows advertise as "pre 84 models" or have their flyers printed up showing the typical Camaro or Mustang - include maybe a Triumph or a Lloyd to draw some diversification in the cars.
Maybe if you have any control on participant parking, try to keep it spread out - some guys who hang together at shows might all have GTOs or Chevelles - stick a Mopar next to a Ford next to a Vauxhall next to a Chevy.??

50/50 draws are a great idea, but tie the winning to being there for the draw.

Spectator judging for any awards.
The one thing I would do is not limit any makes or specific years. Some shows advertise as "pre 84 models" or have their flyers printed up showing the typical Camaro or Mustang - include maybe a Triumph or a Lloyd to draw some diversification in the cars.
Maybe if you have any control on participant parking, try to keep it spread out - some guys who hang together at shows might all have GTOs or Chevelles - stick a Mopar next to a Ford next to a Vauxhall next to a Chevy.??

50/50 draws are a great idea, but tie the winning to being there for the draw.

Spectator judging for any awards.

Thanks resto...this is open for all automotive enthusiests. I don't know what the designer will do for a poster/shirt design, but I mailed him some of my artwork so maybe he'll add that mopar kick!
I'll keep in mind of the parking situation-- :)
Last year the kids brought their bikes for the show and they were awarded the same--that was cute.
This is the usual line up for awards:

Peoples choice
3rd > these are judged by the participants
The trophys they give out are huge, specially for a small car show. We average 75 cars every year.

To save money I thought of cutting back on the trophys for 4th & 5th and replace them with plaques and turn 1st place into 'Best of show', or is that a different award on its own?
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What I'd probably do for the voting is have everyone's vote count the same... spectators and participants alike. Obviously, you'd have "People's Choice" as the top vote-getter but then you could have two "Best Restoreds" (broken up such as prewar/postwar or pre-/post-1950), "Best Modified/Street Machine/Rod" "Best Truck" and "Best Special Interest" rather than places. "People's Choice" shouldn't be eligible to win another trophy, though.

It makes the guy in the Citroen 2CV feel good about the show--and spread word of mouth to his other car buddies--when he trophies among Hemi-powered Willys and big-block Camaros (federal law dictates all car shows must have at least two big-block Camaros, regardless of size :D). Obviously, you have to have someone knowledgable categorize the cars as they arrive--or maybe have the entrant do it on his entry form--so that the stock 1947 Beetle doesn't end up with the blown alky '60s fuel altereds.

You could also maybe have a "Show Staff's Choice" award, depending on how big the event staff will be... perhaps folks from your charity could participate, or maybe some of the sponsors.

50/50's a good plan, as would be small event decals ("Asswarsh, MI 4th of July Car Show 2008" with a little pic of a car) that spectators might purchase for a buck each or something. See if you can get a sign/decal place on board as a sponsor. Being a charity event, they can probably write it off, and it's good advertising.

Another idea--and I think this is what turned the Esky show into a huge event--is to have a parade and/or cruise the night before the show so people can get out and hear 'em run, see 'em move. It's HUGE here. More than once I've gone to the show the next day to see if that Dart was a Hemi (it was) or what the hell motor was in that '70 Torino.
Thanks guys :)
I was elected to take over the car show here in my hometown.


Fantastic, this could be a whole new path for you. :)
Adding a play area for the kids could really broaden the spectator base for those not interested in cars. You know, bouncy castle, face painting, balloon twisting clown, ect.
A huge draw at all the the little town events out here is the 'smash a car with a hammer' for a few bucks, always a long line at those. I'm sure you could get a donated beater easily. :)
hey now...dont dis the lil le-car....there were some badasses there own right

drop a line to these guys....good chance you might get a small heard of tiny cars..which always drawl alot of attention not to mention wives and children love em to death....there world wide but theres alot of smaller groups inside the mailing list all over the states
The closest thing, as I recall, to a "badass" LeCar was the R5 Turbo, which shared nothing mechanically with the heap of crap they sold here. It was RWD, box-flared to hell and back, and even had two more lugs per wheel.

It was as much a LeCar as a Pro Stock Chevy is a Cobalt, though to its credit, the R5 could be bought by your regular Jacques-ass off the street. :D
there are a few r5's in the states.......they were ralley based and BADASS!!!!!!!call it what you will but there still a wicked monster le-car

and goes well with the idea of a monster yugo thats been rattling my brain for 2 decades
Yes, there are some R5s in the States, and as I recall ain't a one of 'em technically street-legal here... they were all owner-imported. Luckily, in stupid states like MI, it doesn't take much to get one legally titled for street use.

