So you like drag racing


Well-known member
these are pretty drastic. wouldn't want to be involved in any of these.[smilie=2:


Holy crud! I really hope nothing like that ever happens to anyone I know. :( Seriously scary, some of em!
Scary Sh!t. Super scary at some of the flying parts and tires and the height and distance they travelled.[smilie=2: [smilie=2:
Scary Sh!t. Super scary at some of the flying parts and tires and the height and distance they travelled.[smilie=2: [smilie=2:[/quote]

Yeah - I've often marvelled that there hasn't been a serious incident with spectators, the way those parts fly - 'specially from the fuel cars.

Too bad them funny car bodies really bear little resemblence to the cars they are supposed to represent. Gettin' as bad as NASCAR. :(

Pro Stock's gonna be as bad before too long....
considering the amount of fanatics that the fans are..would you complaine about an injury or pocket the part and brag about being hit?

have always loved the spots when the funnycar body litteraly gets blown entirely off the car so the driver can see....anyone notice the parts on the rail when it went up leaveing a smoke trail and flying off in odd directions
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Holy crap that's some brutal stuff there. Some pretty mad drivin' skillz too.
....anyone notice the parts on the rail when it went up leaveing a smoke trail and flying off in odd directions

yeah something real hot was still spinning, flywheel, clutch???

I noticed at least 3 times, when the funnies were burning in, the drivers "prairie dogging" before the car is even close to stopping. and these were slo mo shots too. [smilie=2:
In the realm of 6000 horsepower land rockets when things go bad they do so on a large scale indeed. Frightening stuff.
i've seen a few pro-mods, funny & top fuels blow up or go over. it's pretty spectacular but SCARY. the almost always walk away thank goodness.

like 69.5 says. i love those smokie sky trail twisters.
I'll bet I watched the phil burkett (?) and cruz pedregon bit 15 times. Being able to hold some type of control while those things are hopping around like really pissed off cats. Way cool. :)
I was at the Gators, during all the wrecks there, been going since 1973. The Alan Johnson PS wreck was Unbelievable.
I have a buddy that HAD a 71 vega hatchback... it was a high 8 second car.... was running it at New England Dragway or whatever that track is called... Blew a hose at the 1000 ft mark and barrell rolled through the traps at like 160-170 mph.... came out with a broken leg.... and also have a buddy in vegas with a 66 vette a mid 6 second car... his computer reset and sent the whole 400 shot of nitrous into the motor at once and the car got squirrelly and sent him into the wall.... he made it out with no injuries....

