Sad day today!


Well-known member
15 years ago my mom died of a massive stroke she was 60. Whe smoked 3-31/2 packs a day, diabetic, high blood pressure, depression and very overweight. They say it gets easier with time. I haven't noticed!:eek:
"gone to better place" "here have some cake" "if you need anything call" "I know just how you feel"

Sorry Man.
Its been two years since I lost my mom, the good lord gave her 88 years and then took her in her sleep. You can't ask for more than that, but yes, it's still tough.

Two months to the day later, my wife lost her mom. 2005 was a bad year in our house.

My condolences.
Sorry man. About 10 years or so ago my grandfather passed on Halloween night. He smoked Carter Hall pipe tobacco, a very distinctive smell. Just the other day I was coming out of the grocery store and I smelled it for a brief moment. I said "Hi Grandpa" and smiled. Haven't smelled it in a while. I guess it's his way of letting me know he's still around. :)

