In over my head!
Oh I forgot, I got the fuel line in, now I have to bend some clearance down at the water pump & A/C compressor.
And they call this a "hobby".I am desperately trying to find something on this car to do that won't get me upset.
Just ain't happening.
Go through my threads and you'll see me saying that over and over. Playing guitar is a hobby. Riding bikes is a hobby. Playing golf ... you get the idea. It's called "working on cars" for a reason.And they call this a "hobby".
I wish I could remember how mine was hooked up but it's probably different because big vs small block. I refer you to the FSM again.Lets see now, I had the lever on the tranny all the way forward, dropped the rod in it & taped that off to stay forward, watched a few videos, one actually had my setup & the only difference was the guy said that lever on the tranny is spring loaded, mine just slides back & forth, pretty easy, it does go back if you let it go but not all the way???
Slop in the front u-joint, or slop between the u-joint and shaft (or yoke)?The car from hell continues to vex me!
Talked to my mechanic about the U-joints, he said there was a little slop in the front one & offered a rube goldberg fix so I don't have to buy a friggen drive shaft too.
Asked him about the flange problem & His first question was do I have a unibit, guess He's seen it before, but to do that I have to get the axle back out again, will check on that next time out!
Oh yea, my tires came, but 4 instead of 5, so that will wait a day or 2.