Quick Upgrade


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
I did a quick upgrade to the board today - just regular maintenance stuff.

I've noticed that some of the styles don't show up properly for me.
However, I'm a bit stumped because it differes from browser to browser.

The default style works in all browsers I've tested
Roast 'em works in Chrome
Christmas works in Chrome

I've got to check the others.

If you see any that don't seem to work, let me know.

Also, try clearing your cache and then refreshing the page - and let me know of that helps.


BTW, we're pretty close to the big upgrade to the new version of board software.
I was afraid of that.

Some of the styles we have shouldn't have worked as long as they have - since they are older formats.

This last maintenance upgrade finally broke them.

The reality, though is that none of them would have converted over to the new version of code anyway. So, I'm not going to sweat it too much.

At most, I might try and steal some time to get this major upgrade done sooner rather than later. There is another release due out on Monday, so I'll at least wait until after then. Work is nuts for the next few weeks. So, it may just be that I'll be surprised by a free hour or two and just do the upgrade.

For now, I'm going to turf all of the styles we have except for the default. Maybe throw in a couple of neat ones and we'll run with that until the major upgrade happens.

If anyone has a style chosen as their default, they'll just get reverted to the default style when I rip out the rest.
well get FF then :p IE blows

well this explains the need to log myself back in

I was thinking of using FireFox as my browers too. I switched to the Mozilla Thunderbird E-mail, since the Windows 7 didn't come with any E-mail software.
Ooops - I think I just messed up the default style..

Well - not messed it up - but completely changed it.

I clicked the wrong button and it was like the moment a soldier steps on a land mine (but of course with much smaller consequence and risk) but the the same "Oh $h1t" moment.
Well that was fun...

All the styles are back. If you log in and get the default, it's because I had to turf the styles and re-load and now they have different numbers.

Just go down to the stly picker at the bottom of the page and pick your favourite again.

You'll notice a few menu items and the latest forums list is missing.
I MIGHt get those sorted out before the big upgrade, but I might not.. :p

If you're really missing something - longing for it - drop me a note and I'll fix it up when I can steal a minute or two.
Not seeing the list of the "New posts" that used to be at the top, just below the picture banner.

Do I need to adjust my settings?
You need to stand on your head, hold a lit candle, and drink a glass of water while singing, Yankee Doodle Dandy.


That didn't work?

Hmmm. Oh yeah, that feature got a little hooped. It's something I need to work on.
Ooops. I forgot the smiley in my last reply.

I was just being a smart ass.

But, you're right. It's not quite the same without that piece up at the top.
I had it working in my test style - but there was no nice formatted box around the text.
At that point, I need to go take care of some other stuff and as I am prone to do, I think about this stuff while I'm doing other things. I got the general idea of what I needed to do and after seeing your post, I took a look and found that all I needed to do was steal a couple of lines of code to get the right formatting.


Unless someone finds a HUGE missing piece - and I keep looking when I get the time - I'm going to pretty much leave things as they are and focus any spare time on the shift to the new software.
Thought I blew it up :eek:, I just finished hitting "post" on my second reply to fishy's request.


But, true to your word, it was quick. Only thing I noticed was I had to sign in again.

