Production Challenger Vs. Concept


Well-known member

The exterior of the production 2008/2009 Dodge Challenger will be identical to the concept version, according to Chrysler VP and lead designer Tom Tremont. "You're not going to be able to tell the difference," he told the Detroit News. While Tremont's comments likely relate to the exterior of the car, the interior will also get a lot of attention. "We knew if we screwed this up, we would lose a lot of fans," said Alan Barrington, who designed the concept's interior.
Daimler cannot stop from screwing up something. So while it may mimic the prototype, they'll probably charge more than several third world country's GNP to buy it. They gotta screw it - to have complete satisfaction is an unGerman alien concept to understand and appease the North American market.
Well, I'd have to assume that it is going to be different in one way: no carbon fibre body.
That means there will be seams where the panels meet.

Overall, that shouldn't be a big deal but something HAS to get lost in the translation. Hopefully not too much though.
How stupid would you have to be to jack this up? I'm not saying they won't, but just how stupid would you have to be?
Like running a winning lottery ticket through the washer so it's nice and clean when you turn it in.
Like telling pamela anderson, no you just want to cuddle.
6pkrunner said:
Daimler cannot stop from screwing up something. So while it may mimic the prototype, they'll probably charge more than several third world country's GNP to buy it. They gotta screw it - to have complete satisfaction is an unGerman alien concept to understand and appease the North American market.

...what he said...

