Dr.Jass said:Don't forget Grandma Pissterself...
dodgedifferent2 said:[smilie=b: the oprator on this side of the computer was temporarily drunk and could not remember what the hell i was doing ...
ya i was pissedoff cause i could not log on....it was the longest 2 days of my life! [smilie=e:[/quote]
did someone froget his pissword?
dodgedifferent2 said:[smilie=b: the oprator on this side of the computer was temporarily drunk and could not remember what the hell i was doing ...
ya i was pissedoff cause i could not log on....[b]it was the longest 2 days of my life! [/b][smilie=e:[/quote]
Hmmmmm [smilie=e:
It was the best 2 days of our lives. [smilie=e:
Jester said:and now XL knows how to access half your interweb accounts.