pic hosting service test


Blah Blah Blah

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sadly the pics work here but NOT on the crown vic forum ive been posting on.....

just going to toss a few more up t be sure they are sticking...attempting to contact the forum admins to see if they can get the issue fixed......course i dont understand the forums ..just that the links work and post here but dont there...got em working briefly over there then they poofed..it is NOT on the photo server side..a friend of mine is actualy running that end..

heres the whole album if yer feelin bored

iron its the one ive de-policed, and making full steel bumpers from scratch




You can tell how serious a guy (or gal) is about their mods by looking at their tools. That's the first welder I've ever seen with a supercharger on it.:bwuhaha::clap:
You can tell how serious a guy (or gal) is about their mods by looking at their tools. That's the first welder I've ever seen with a supercharger on it.:bwuhaha::clap:

and ya know what..that super has been sitting on that welder of mine for MANY years now..atleast 4 or 5, i picked it up in the thoughts of putting it onto a slanty paid all of 50$ for it shipped ..its still tight and useable its off of a chevy v6, i kicked it around for a while, tossed it in a closet for a while, started mocking it onto several other v6's then set it on my welder and havnt taken it off...i often hang my leads off of the snout and have considered bolting it down perminantly..like ive had the SC since the 90s or first couple years of 2k

i should note i have a set of schwin WIDE white wall flat top drag slicks that i still need to put on the welder too....its sitting on 5 spoke ALUMINUM mags....from a wheelchair
No, I meant which hosting service did you try? This is one of the only sites I can upload straight onto (Right On!). The rest have some stupid procedure that involves pichosting, or calling your nerd friend. It's 2017.. hasn't drag and click been a thing for a while now? Why does it have to be harder?
oh uhh well a friend of mine built me a storage server to do the work...soo uhh my own storage on his bandwidth

the issue is the links work for "most" forums but i think if i understand correctly, the sites it doesnt work on are the ones that dont have auto re-size enabled as well as have oversize blocker enabled...or something like that.

that said the host program is called seafile, stupid easy to use, the link generator is also easy to work with drag n drop to upload is in it too, my only noteable complaint aside from not working everywhere is that you cant "batch link" IE select a few files and get a pile of links for all of them

