

In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
If you use Photobucket to store images online, I've got a couple of enhancements that should be fun.

First is a means to access your Photobucket account directly from the screen that you use to post your messages. The idea is that you don't have to open up another window to go to Photobucket and then cut and paste links. Everything will be click click click right within the message editor.

Second, if you create slideshow on Photobucket and would like to share them here in a post as the actual slideshow as opposed to a link to your slideshow, you can do that with a couple of tags and a tiny little bit of editing.

Details for both will follow below.
Okay. The Post a Slide Show feature is live.

Why is this cool? The links that PhotoBucket provide to you to share Slideshows are really just links and take your viewer to the PhotoBucket website.

This feature puts the actual SlideShow Right in your post. So you get to show off your slideshow right alongside the story that goes with it - your posted message.

Here's how it works.

The feature here doesn't create a slideshow for you. It just gives you a means to share in a post. So, you have to have a PhotoBucket account, of course. You can get a free one or if you use it enough, upgrading to a paid account might be of value to you. Your call.

First, you have to have a slideshow built on Photobucket.
I'll let Photobucket explain the instructions for that.

Once you've created a SlideShow, there will be a menu of links in the left sidebar of your PhotoBucket account that looks like this:


In that menu, you want to grab the code for the direct link. It will look something like this:

Now, in your post here on the board, you can click the PhotoBucket Icon
or if you prefer, just type in [photobucket], paste in your direct link, then type in [/photobucket]

BEFORE you submit you reply, there's that little bit of editing I told you about.
Sorry, there's no way to avoid this.

In the direct link, there's this bit of code ?action=view&current=
You need to delete that out of there so that your link looks something like this:


Now finish off your post and submit.

Your slideshow should appear in the post. Something like this:

The style of slideshow will be the same as you created it on PhotoBucket. I used a strip style here.

I used those pics, because they're about the only pics I have up on my PhotoBucket account right now. :xl:
Quick pick from your PhotoBucket account is coming next.
This one will require a bit more testing, though.
Notice that if you click a picture in the slideshow that it takes you to the photobucket site.

That's expected since that's where the picture is actually hosted.

Okay the Photobucket "Linker" is ready.

You'll see it in the Additional Options section when creating a new post.

If you haven't logged into PhotoBucket yet, you'll see the login form. Like this:
(I'm showing you the post editor and the PhotoBucket interface so you get an idea of what to expect.)


Once you log in, you'll see the "cover" pic from your first album.
Notice that you can select different albums at the top of the box.


You can then browse through your pictures and click the one you want to include in your post.

You still need to copy the code in the IMG box and paste it in your message.
That's the way the PhotoBucket code works. It's their code. All we're doing is using a bit of it to make things a little easier here.


Notice too that there is a Choose File button and an Upload button.
Those are for adding pics to your PhotoBucket account. Handy if you find that you didn't have the pic you were looking for in any of your PhotoBucket albums but have it on your computer and want to add it to your PhotoBucket.

This feature doesn't replace any Picture or Album features on Moparnuts. it just makes things a little easier if you have a bunch of pics and albums on Photobucket and want to share them here.
Now I have to figure out how to get that damn watermark back tot he bottom of the pictures in vBImageHost. :D
We have the option to have this feature in the Advanced Reply only or in both the Advanced and the QuickReply forms.

I'm easy either way. It does chew up a lot of page space when it's part of the Quick Reply though.

Let me know your thoughts

