Old Classifieds are closed.


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
Well, pretty much.

You can still view them.
If you have started a thread in the old classified forums, you can reply to your own posts. We left this open so that you can go back and say your item has been sold or you found what you were looking for or you've moved your ad to the new classified system or whatever...

So, the new Classified ad system is the way to find what you are looking for or get rid of stuff you don't want anymore.

Other than having new ads show up on a list similar to the latest threads box or New Posts page - I'm still working on that - let me know of anything that will make the Classifieds section better. We'll see what we can do.
WE need something at the top like we have for the trivia section letting us know of new classified ads......

