

In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
Is ready.

Check the top menu bar over next to the Log Out link.

When you click on nutsNet, you'll get a drop down menu with the following choices:

My Homepage
My Profile
My Blog
My Network

Check it all out. There's lots in there to discover.

Once you get to your profile, you should see a block with an invite to join zoints. You don't have to, but if you do, you set up your profile and pages and everything there and it links into your user profile here.
If you ever get onto another board that uses zoints, just link to your zoints account and your profile is done.

All of the pages are arranged using blocks. You can rearrange and add and delete most of them. Some are locked in place.

For the "My Media" block you need to have the video up on YouTube or Google and get the "Embed" code from that site and paste in to your Media block. It sounds like work but it's not much more than you'd do to paste a link.

I would suggest that you stay in the Basic Editor mode. I saw a few weird things with the Advanced Editor and I don't know if it's my PC or the code.

Here's a screenshot that gives you a bit of the lay of the land.


and here's what my homepage looks like right now.

Have fun and let's see some creative stuff.

Best setup at the end of March gets a snuggle with spot.

Here's a few more things I've figured out:

When you look at your profile page, down at the very bottom, you see your profile neighbors with arrows to click to go view their profile. When you are looking at someone else's profile, you see their neighbors. It's a neat way to browse through the profile pages of the users.

Here's my neighbors:

When you see someone that you want to network with - add them to your network of friends - just click the link at the top of their profile. They'll get a private message with your request. They won't show up in your network until they approve your request. when they do, you show up in their network. So, there's no need to request back and forth.

Here's an example.

Question I would think that my moparnuts profile and my zoints profile would auto propagate I did a ton of work to one and it is not showing up on the other is it b cause I changed names I deleted the Wild1_Robertson on zoints and created a Dr W


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I'm looking into it.

At first pass, it looks like that's something that is yet to come, but it is being worked on.

There is something that I'm chasing that will redirect your zoints profile to your profile here on moparnuts. Once I fogure out how that works, I'll put that in. That makes your profile here, your "home" community profile that everyone will get sent to from zoints or points beyond.
i still have no clue what this is and what it does . but its neat :huh: :bravo:
Basically, it's a bigger, better place to tell more about yourself.

An enhanced profile.


a blog where you can keep an online journal.

A social network something like MySpace where you "network" with other users. They link to you. You link to them. People who link to you find out about other people and so on...

Once we get the "link to zoints" thing happening, you'll be able to link to your profile from any other board that uses zoints. Thus, you set up one profile, and point to it rather than setting up multiple profiles...
Can you propagate a list of users with active content? Of course everyone is "activated"........
Can you propagate a list of users with active content? Of course everyone is "activated"........
Maybe. I'll have to look at the database and see what swiches, if any, get flipped when content is added.

It may be more of a "Hey, so-and-so just added content to their blog/profile/homepage." sort of thing...
I tried to add a picture and nothing happened :doh: it's just not for me I guess :huh:
Did you see mine? I just used the upload function try again this might help this is the key click the wrench to gain access to the control panel


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Rob: do you watch your "warning bar"? since updating windows awhile back every time I add a picture using the little photograph icon, I have to "allow temporary scripts"

DCF that would be cool, I waded through for quite a while this morning for nearly naught.

