Now come on how does this happen???

I put in a new feature that counts each of our personalities as a user whenever one of us logs on. :shifty:
dodgechargerfan said:
I put in a new feature that counts each of our personalities as a user whenever one of us logs on. :shifty:

It all makes perfect sense then:bwuhaha:
Previous top was 75 if I remember correctly. Will this amount stay even though it is obviously a typo DCF?
You aint' putting none of your Jergens between my fresh buns! *hides buns*
BB71Challenger said:
Previous top was 75 if I remember correctly. Will this amount stay even though it is obviously a typo DCF?

Actually, I think Olde Pharte got it right - guests and/or web search bots get counted as visitors but not as members.

I think...

If I had been on at the time, I cold have checked...

When I do the upgrade I'll be rebuilding the stats so some of this stuff will get sorted out if it's an actual error.

