New Styles


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
I just set up 4 new styles.

All DARKstyles.

Plum Crazy
Hemi Orange
Top Banana

They all should be good to go, but let me know if you see any spots that are hard to read - OTHER than the whole style.

I have 13 more variations and I'm not afraid to use them. Don't make me break out the pastels.

Well, I like the Blue Wood. The background isn't quite as dark. I can certainly see why DG likes the Green Wood! Perfect for her. I've always been a "red" sort of person, but the Tor Red is waaaaay too dark.
All in all, a definite improvement from the "default style". :dance:
I have "Bolds" and "Pastels" that would go lovely with upholstery on the divan. *prances*
A buttload more styles are in place...

Re-organized too.

You'll see the "MOPAR" themes along with Primer and simple black right under the default theme.
Then there's a set of Bold themes - variations in colour with similar contrast levels, etc. (These are pretty bright as the main boxes are white, but what the hell.)
Then there's a set of Pastel colours. Some not too bad at all.

As you might be able to tell, these are really just variations on colour schemes based on the default Style.
These are the quick hits I can make to give you choices. It takes me only minutes to set these up ('cause someone else makes 'em)

Some day, I'll have time to go for a good replacement to the old Roast 'em style with graphics and such.
Work is a true bear these days. We're still integrating in to the new company and they still want us out there closing business.

To top it all off, I accidentally did a reply-all to a support tech assigned to the entire Canadian Sales team with some helpful feedback and now everyone knows that I've figured out the tricky bits of getting VoIP, Voicemail, new e-mail systems all set up on our PCs and I've become the go-to guy. :wall:

I'm not bitching here. Just sayin'
As crazy as it's been, I'm actually enjoying most of it.
But getting in an hour here and there to tend to the nuts is a nice break.
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White wood, green wood, blue wood, schmoo wood, hell, at my age I like any kind of wood.

