New Classifieds-type service


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
I've just installed links into a service called Styckyd.

There are links in the top menu bar as well as forum categories that will take you right to the service.

Why this instead of what we have?
It's different in that as a seller, what you post for sale using this service goes out to every forum that uses this service. So, you get a wider market.

As a buyer, you get to see more of what's out there for sale. Granted the pickings are few right now, but someone has to start a path. I decided to be a part of doing that.

It's free to use for searching and buying.
They do charge a fee when an item sells, but that's the only time.
(and I get a cut and that money will go towards board upkeep)

There is another related feature called Part Forensics.
I'll be honest: I haven't figured it out yet.
The best description I have seen is that it's a Wiki for automotive parts. It will eventually link to online vendors so that when you've completed your research, you can buy if you like. Right now things are linked in to Tire Rack. More to come I would presume.

It's new. It's fledgling. However, it looks pretty cool.

Here is a link to all of their features.
seems to be gone now?!?!?!? the old school original 2 tone blue and white aka vb4 default style(or thats what its saying im useing)

actualy i found the issue...sorta.....
if you start shrinking your screen right to left the blue tabs will litteraly slide under the dark blue bar worded links....kinda the way the search window on the bar will slide over top of them

being on a wide screen i can pretty well clear it up going wide screen but i really need a few more inches....damn im on a 46inch allready
Thought that might be it...
I've seen that on a smaller screen myself.

I'm on a 21" and it's good...

