NAC's hood launch - now with video.

wow, nice run. motor sounds mean. too bad your hood decided to do a superman impression for the fans [smilie=e:
Funny you should mention that. Here's how it went after I called my wife and told her what happened:

Her: "Why didn't you slow down when you saw it start to come off?"
Me: "I was going 110 mph. There was no 'start to come off.' It was there, and then it was gone."
Her: "I don't believe you." [smilie=e:
OMG i saw the video, looked like you had lots of time to stop, secure it & finish the race.

greg73cuda said:
OMG i saw the video, looked like you had lots of time to stop, secure it & finish the race.


Well now we know who NACs wife is.

Cool video!

My five year old liked it, too (but she did laugh when the hood flew off [smilie=e:)
Didja ever mention what ya ran? I saw 0.8 (RT?) on the board, then the camera followed the hood and didn't pan back.
not a charger
Count Mackula


Yes, I was at the track. I was beating the other guy, too, but I lifted when the hood came off, and he passed me. It was at about the 1000 foot mark. I ran 12.29 at 98 mph. Woulda been my best run of the day if I didn't lift.
For the record, Bob, my reaction time was .08, not 0.8. Sheesh. [smilie=a: :D

That was easily a 12-lowteens run if I don't lift. It was really hot and humid, and the carb still needs some tuning, which is why I was running a little slower than last year's 11:81/11:88 times.

