my wife


Well-known member
My wife and i are going to the hospital this morning.. she got 2 - upper and lower - molars to be pulled.. one on top of the other......and she gets dry sockets and no she doesn,t smoke. BUT she does have a tendancy to get real sick. i hate to see her in pain.. so we are on our way to London to the EMERG at the Univ. dental Clinic.......... i.ll let you all know when i get back how it went------- maybe they will use that NEW hyd. jack and them air guns on her-----just kidding....... later friends---- ORVIL and Ms. Right----:silenced:
Crap O, that sucks. Tell Ma O we are thinking of her, and if there is anything I can do when you get back, let me know.

I HATE teeth problems.... i woke up at 3:30 this morning with a damn toothache.... BLAH..... GOOD LUCK Orvil.... and consequently Mrs. O.
we went to the dentist.. tomorrow MRS O goes in for the pull. probably 2 of them.. she has a crown and that is the problem.. they are in the back. . so i asked her --- when they pull your wisdom teeth you go stupid... so if they were to pull your eye teeth would you go blind..... so--- tomorrow she won,t be able to talk. to morrow is FRIDAY.. SHE WONT TALK TO ME NOW FOR AT LEAST THE WEEKEND.. yayayaya... so if say anything to get her upset she can,t say anything. however she wont forget - hahaha..... she,ll probably hide my teeth when she gets pizza... ------she also says Thank-you to all for the postings.... funny how this is going to go-- she can,t talk to me but she can talk to you guy,s cause her fingers are still good so she can type... don,t make sense does it hahaha----thanks guy,s--ORVIL------ see i told you she was a princess--- she has her own crowns
Is she having discomfort, and if so, did they give her something to get her through the night? I wish her luck, lots of nerve endings associated with the mouth.
tomorrow is the big day.... she,ll have enough stuff to keep it settled down.....she was supposd to get it done today. they didn,t have time so they will do it in EMERG. tomorrow at 9.30--10.00 o,clock. so i wont be on-line till we get back... i gotta watch what i say -- she threatened to hide my teeth---she is alot of fun---hahaha
Last time I had teeth yanked it was 3 molars on my right lower jaw. All compound root fractures. Dentist was amazed at how well I took it...I can deal with pain pretty well. After she was done she gave me some gauze pads and told me the usual, no smoking, no drinks with straws...etc.. (the assistant leaned in and told me ice cold beer helped. ;) the cold would keep it numb and the alcohol would keep it clean as well as more number the more I drank:p) Anyhoo I was doing just fine till I had to change out my gauze I can watch all the blood, guts and gore on tv and even deal with other peoples blood. When it's my own though...not so well it would seem...Hope she pulls thru ok. From what I hear dry sockets hurt like hell!

