Well-known member
After the show Saturday some friends and i went to a cruise in Anoka, a town north of the cities. Got there and all was well, sunny, blue sky, warm. Went to get some "to go" dinner from a local diner. 15 minutes later we walked out with our food to see a black wall cloud bearing down on Anoka. [smilie=e: Swallowed our food and hit the road. About 5 miles out of town my car loses all power, smoke comes out from under the hood and from the defrost vents!! [smilie=shocked.gif] I initially freaked as i was picturing my 48 hour acquisition burning to the ground before my eyes. [smilie=e: [smilie=s: [smilie=mad.gif] The smoke stopped as quick as it started. [smilie=e: I got nothin!! No power to anything!! Not more than 2 minutes after that it starts raining, i'm talkin noah's flood type rain. I have power windows....you guessed it, drivers window was down. [smilie=n: I call a buddy who has a shop nearby hoping he's there. He is and he brings me a phone book and some working flashers (his truck) so i don't get rear ended sitting there on the highway. Another friend braves the weather to backtrack and find me as i was following him from Anoka. Keep in mind he's driving his CHERRY 70 R/T SE Challenger. (thanks again bud) Call a tow truck and get to my other buddies shop and find out the tow truck driver is a long time Mopar guy and Sponsor of the Mopars in the Park show. He stayed until i got the car fixed. We find this [url]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/315407/moparsinthepark04127.jpg[/url] Turns out my main power wire to the alternator hit the exhaust manifold and melted/shorted and smoked my fusible link. Thank god it wasn't more. Just thought it was eventful enough to share.