My "interesting" Saturday night.


Well-known member
After the show Saturday some friends and i went to a cruise in Anoka, a town north of the cities. Got there and all was well, sunny, blue sky, warm. Went to get some "to go" dinner from a local diner. 15 minutes later we walked out with our food to see a black wall cloud bearing down on Anoka. [smilie=e: Swallowed our food and hit the road. About 5 miles out of town my car loses all power, smoke comes out from under the hood and from the defrost vents!! [smilie=shocked.gif] I initially freaked as i was picturing my 48 hour acquisition burning to the ground before my eyes. [smilie=e: [smilie=s: [smilie=mad.gif] The smoke stopped as quick as it started. [smilie=e: I got nothin!! No power to anything!! Not more than 2 minutes after that it starts raining, i'm talkin noah's flood type rain. I have power guessed it, drivers window was down. [smilie=n: I call a buddy who has a shop nearby hoping he's there. He is and he brings me a phone book and some working flashers (his truck) so i don't get rear ended sitting there on the highway. Another friend braves the weather to backtrack and find me as i was following him from Anoka. Keep in mind he's driving his CHERRY 70 R/T SE Challenger. (thanks again bud) Call a tow truck and get to my other buddies shop and find out the tow truck driver is a long time Mopar guy and Sponsor of the Mopars in the Park show. He stayed until i got the car fixed. We find this [url][/url] Turns out my main power wire to the alternator hit the exhaust manifold and melted/shorted and smoked my fusible link. Thank god it wasn't more. Just thought it was eventful enough to share.
LUCKY! Wow! Never fails to happen in crappy weather, or when you were supposed to be somewhere 20 minutes ago.
I hear that. I had that problem, coming home from work, one night, at 11:30 PM, in the GTX.

Big fun, cobbling up the charging system, in the dark (Im thinking the rain woulda been fun, as well) Fortunately, I did have a flashlight, for a change...

You might wanna spend some time, going over the car, checking for other PITAs waiting to happen...

ounce of prevention...


