Magna/Cerberus New Chrysler Owners


Rumor on the Windsor plant floor Magna/Cerberus have bought Chrysler and plan to part it out like an old car.more info on rumor forum.
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What exactly do you mean by they plan to part it out like an old car???? :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf: They are gonna kill it off and sell what's left??
So basically they will buy Chrysler as a whole and sell off the branches individually if I am reading this correctly..."Ok you can buy Dodge, you can buy the Dodge truck line, you can buy Chrysler and you can have Jeep." So Mopar is soon to be a dead trademark? :wtf::doubt: I know it is just pure speculation for now but I don't like the sounds of any of it!!:dgt:
Oh and as far as the new Dodge Challenger....I kinda had a hunch it was too good to be true!:doh::( Hopefully that isn't the case!!:helpme::helpme::helpme:
That is sad news, so ether GM buys all of it or it gets broken up and sold off, that makes no since it would be more profitable as a whole.
well ill be the first to say it...its about godamn time..the benz did a hell of a hit and run job leaveing ma alive but on life support and ma was long over due for a bullet to the head

as much as i hate GM...i hope they get ahold of it if for nothing else cheeper parts and a bigger performance maket due to not holding back the designs/copyright' would likely mean the repop market would litteraly explode
I really wouldn't care in the least.

Ma was dead before I was born.

I totally agree with 69.5, cheaper parts would be kick ass and then we would get to hug the chevy guys like brothers! :shifty:

