Looking for a A100 van


Well-known member
Have a friend who is looking at restoring an A100 van. Have any of you seen one for sale? They seem to be a pretty rare breed these days.
Send a pm to Lawfish. He just picked up a couple, and his projects rotate regularly. If he's found something else cool, he'll turn loose of one, and probably for a good deal. He's a good guy.
I think I know where there's a couple of 'em sitting, if they're still there. God knows when I'll be able to check.

Also, Bill "Maverick the Conceited Dickhead" Golden's stepson lives about six miles from here, and I'm sure he knows where there may be a few, though he's obviously more into the A100 pickups.
One of the small towns I pass through in northern BC...there is a old guy who is still driving his A100 van....His doors look like swiss cheese around the mirror area from having so many different mirrors on there over the years...but it's rust free and in pretty good shape.

I'm sure it's not for sale but if I see it next trip through I'll track him down and see....:huh:
Thanks man! That's on my doorstep!! Thanks to everyone for the tips. Have to see what happens.
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