Just Checking In

My son has been sick on and off since the holidays (colds, fever, sinus infections, ear infections, stomach viruses, etc.). Can't seem to get over one sickness before another crops up. Poor little guy.

Poor us too (wife and I). He keeps sharing his germs with us. Makes for a terribly unhealthy household. He has been very fussy and not sleeping well. This results in a lack of sleep for us too. So any available time is spent working or napping.
I hear that buddy, my seven year old got strep twice in a 2 month span in december and january. The 2:30 AM crying visits just bite. Hope he snaps out of that funk quickly.
That sucks.

I can relate to that on a bit of a smaller scale.
My 13 year old has had a wicked cough for a month now. She even coughs in her sleep - constantly.
Took 3 trips to the doctor's to get it diagnosed and get medicine for it. Still hanging on though.

I was going to say that you've probably been cooped up in the house all winter and that's why things get passed around - then I remembered where you live. What you need to do is move up here for a month and let the cold air chase all the germs out of your system. I'll gladly swap homesteads for a month. [smilie=e:
dodgechargerfan said:
My 13 year old has had a wicked cough for a month now. She even coughs in her sleep - constantly.
Took 3 trips to the doctor's to get it diagnosed and get medicine for it. Still hanging on though.

Yep! My son has the same problem. Doctor was attributing it to allergies. He coughs so bad sometimes that he pukes. (graphic enough?) Seems to be getting better over the last few days.

dodgechargerfan said:
I was going to say that you've probably been cooped up in the house all winter and that's why things get passed around - then I remembered where you live. What you need to do is move up here for a month and let the cold air chase all the germs out of your system. I'll gladly swap homesteads for a month. [smilie=e:[/quote]

72 degrees and sunny today. [smilie=b: Not interested in swapping, but your welcome to come visit. Come to Florida, spend all your money (keep my taxes low), and go home. [smilie=w:
He coughs so bad sometimes that he pukes.

Sounds like the same thing.

The doctor says it's part of the whooping cough family but not actually whooping cough. *shrugs*
She's just finished up the antibiotics and I haven't seen any real improvement.

It seems to have gone through the schools here, yet the doc says she's not contagious and no one else in the family has gotten it. *shrugs again*

When I was at the hospital for my Dad, a women brought her daughter into emergency with the exact same cough. She'd had it for 3 weeks.

I was actually hoping the process of hurling would clean out whatever was making her cough. *my shoulders are getting sore from shrugging*
Yo Yo Wingah!!!

I hear ya there with these illnesses. When I was in 6th grade, I caught the flu...worse, it was passed around the grade, so everyone was sick at some point. I think my brother got me sick.

As for your son, give him some fresh air. I noticed that when I had a cold last month, when I was in the house, I felt sick as all hell, but when I went outside last week, I felt much better. Perhaps it will help your son.

Just try and keep the house clean too. Don't forget this, my dad taught me this at an early age: Whatever a sick person sneezes or coughs on, wash it off. Little things work wonders.

By the way, what does your sig translate to?
Well, with all that has been going on (see above), I haven't really ridden it much (about 500 miles). But I'm really liking what I see so far.

It's by no means a sport bike, but it handles extremely well for a 800+ pound bike. Nothing like my 1500 Wing handled like. The fuel injection really makes a big difference. I'll give you an update this weekend. I need to get out for a few hours.

XL Here is a pic of my new ride.

Pardon me sir-is dat a motorsicle or a flying saucer? [smilie=e: [smilie=e: I DO like it. [smilie=e:
You ain't lyin'. You should see the schematics. I bought the Honda technical manual. May I never have to use it. [smilie=e:
Looks great Wing. Boy, they sure are big! Not what I am used to at all. :)

