Just checking in


Well, I was told this is a real laid back Mopar place wher having a good time is paramount.
Sounds like what I need when the rest of the world is getting too serious. And it's always too serious.
welcome the world of knowledge and seriousness [smilie=e:

cant believe i said that with a straight face

where in ontario are you located?
Ghoste, for cripes sake don't tell DD where you live.....I had to buy a dog just to get rid of him. ;)
Have fun, feel free to poke fun of Viking and DD and Beeper and..................... [smilie=a:
How long has it been since you lived in Thamseville?
And if there is a scandalous story behind the move, do share.
Welcome to the greatest site in the world wherethe men are men and the sheep atre nervious [smilie=2: [smilie=a:
Ghoste said:
How long has it been since you lived in Thamseville?
And if there is a scandalous story behind the move, do share.

well i sorta kinda live there still...my rents live there and they aint movin till i take the farm [smilie=e: but 3 years ago i moved to go to school and i was kicked outa home to go to school [smilie=e:
I was trying to think of the higher edumacation places in Sar-ni-a and that's all there is, I think...

Not one of my accounts, yet...
I'm sure I'll be working on them at some point in the near future.

