just about time to say goodbye to CUDA


Well-known member
winter is heading our way sooner than we want to realize. i went to a 2 day race event at shannonville motorsplex last weekend to end the drag race season. so this weekend is a cuda & trailer clean up/winterize & say goodbye till the day i get the urge pull em out of storage & get ready for next year.

Kinda a bittersweet time ain't it.

The RR is already parked.
Da-ho said:
Had me goin- thought you sold it.[smilie=2:[/QUOTE]

Same here!! Yikes.

My Duster ain't going into storage until the day before the first snowstorm, lol...Still want to get in at least one test-n-tune at the track.
Shannonville, That the track that is closest to me. We will have to hook up there some time.

Winter is certainly coming in fast
Ah Greg, Lot's of time left buddy!
I usually park the Coronet around Halloween.

I want to go to Napierville for some T&T on the 22 Oct. You should come, they really spray it down there :dance: . Lot's of bite!! We won't spin like Luskville :rolleyes: . You'll get a personal best GUARANTEED!!!!
Yikes Greg. Like others here I thought you had sold it. But I know where you are with the hibernation thing. I packed mine up months ago as I never had money to fuel them. Bloody shame having these 2 ton paperweights hanging around. I cling desparately to the thuoght that someday the kids will move out and I may be able to afford things again.......
kamstra- shannonville is just a few km's my side of belleville. i plan on racing there alot more next year. a good place to camp, race & beer. lets meet there next year.

kevin- i'm going on holidays starting next saturday & i'm not expecting the weather to be nice in november. lol

6pk- no plans to sell cuda, but i still edge on the thought of a 9 sec ultra light door car. CUDA would have to fund that project. i havre no room for 2 toys.

greg73cuda said:
6pk- no plans to sell cuda, but i still edge on the thought of a 9 sec ultra light door car. CUDA would have to fund that project. i havre no room for 2 toys.


Don't sell the Cuda, just build a bigger motor

Sadly, that time of the year is fast approaching !

Luckily around here we get some decent enough days in the winter to drive em.:dance:
Thought we had another E body bailer!![smilie=2:

