Invest in my WHATnow!?!


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
I checked. I don't have one of my own.


From: the desk of honourable
chairman Local & foreign debt
reconciliation panel
Aso rock villa,
Attn sir,
With due
respect and trust I write this confidential letter, believing
that it
will be of great interest to you. I got your Contact While on a
private research on the internet for a reliable and capable Foreign
partner who will be willing to involve in a confidential Transaction
With me.I am Mr. Chris Obi, the newly appointed chairman of the local
and Foreign debt reconciliation panel of the Federal Republic of
The Transaction am proposing is an offer. This offer is an
amount from Federal Government left over. It is a total Sum of
US$13,700,000.00(Thirteen Million, seven hundred thousand united
states dollars), which will be shared Between You and I in the ratio
of 60%-40%. The money is a left over from the amount used in paying
local contractors, most of whose CONTRACT SUM was over invoiced by my
predecessor who was unfortunately removed from office without notice.
Everything is directly under my control & custody at the moment. As
present chairman of the debt reconciliation Panel, everything is
directly under my control. I am offering you this, Believing that you
will be capable of keeping the fund in safe custody and Will hand over
my share of 60% which I will love to invest in your Country for me on

It is important to note that the fund is presently deposited
among other funds meant for the payment of contractors. The only thing
needed for this US$13,700,000.00 Million to be transferred to you is a
bank account. So, If you are Willing to Make this deal with me, you
should contact me immediately on the Email address bellow so that we
can work out an arrangement that will enable you open a New/separate
account with one of the big banks and You will furnish me with the
account information.The fund Finally will be wired into the account. (Note however, that we can make do with your existing account if that
is okay with you).
Be informed that this transaction will take us few
days. I will ensure that there will be no bureaucracy or misfortune,
the arrangement to perfect this is already in place. I have all it
takes to perfect this. With my Position as the chairman of the debt
reconciliation panel, I have Quitely arranged everything.
If you are
willing to cooperate with me, this money Will Be transferred
to you
without hitches. I don't have problems in Regularizing all
documents so that we won't encounter any difficulties.
Finally, I
want to say that the only problem is trust. It is disheartening to note
that people are Unreliable these days and even derive joy in telling
lies. On this Ground, I request your sincere cooperation devoid of
greed in carrying Out this transaction such that we shall
both be
honest to each other in the entire process. Note again that I
am only
prepared to split at 60%---40% for you,provided mine(60%) will
intact at the end of the Day.
So If you are willing to make this deal
with me, you should contact me
Immediately only on my bellow secured
email address;
Yours truly,
Chris Obi
Reconciliation panel.

I had one once, but I dumper her because she was a c..... well.... she was mean.
dodgechargerfan said:
should contact me immediately on the Email address bellow...

... you should contact me
Immediately only on my bellow secured
email address;
Where does one get a bellow account, and how can it be that secure?:hmmm:

