Insane Gas Prices

[smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: [smilie=2: howd did it get so high all of a sudden? i just saw 99.8 yesterday
Certain areas in sw Ontario spiked big time last night and others stayed. You are the highest I have heard of yet. Windsor apparently had some at $1.89.9 a litre.[smilie=2: :mad:
Just heard $1.995 in some Windsor stations. Here in Half-a-Lax we're still $1.115, but that means nothing. 3 minutes to change signs and pumps....

Oh and today's exchange rate that $6.46 USD per USG. Yum...
dodgedifferent2 said:
howd did it get so high all of a sudden? i just saw 99.8 yesterday

They are predicting $5.00 here if/when she hits. Who knows what you'll be paying.
Just paid 99.4....or thought I did. ;) Premium was actually 1.09 Still good! :)
I heard $2.25 in Niagara Falls.
St. Catharines area was expected to jump up too...

We get our oil from Alberta and the Arctic, don't we?
Randolph Mobil is 2.99, down from 3.15 on Monday.

I'm betting that when Rita hits Texas in the next 24 hours, it will hit 3.50 or so.
Yeah it was 2.255 here in stratford over night at Charlies(GOCO). Big thing was, the place was closed! I work down the street and get my coffee next door to them (The Donut Mill,best coffee in town!!) and almost fell over walking by at lunch.(4am) Scared everyone in town I think,me included. Come 7am,goco was back to 98.7 i think as was the rest of town. Sitting around 104.5 as I speak(type?!). Still too damn expensive in my book. Put $57 in the Ramcharger on tuesday and another $52 on thursday morning just to fill it right up.Arrgh!
jd340 said:
Yeah it was 2.255 here in stratford over night

Maybe they thought they could try charging that much just because the hurricane was coming but nobody actually bought it at that price?
the prices jumped about 10 cents here already to 2.89 regular and 3.08 super. i just filled up the neon and the challenger, my wife filled up the yukon [smilie=2:.

small positive was the intrepid was already full :cool:. if the storm gets those refineries im sure gas will rise to somewhere around 4 bucks a gallon before it returns to normal. my concern is what is going to be the normal price when all this is over. something like this is a good way to jack up the price another quarter or so when all is said and done :eek:
Good thing: Storm's back to a Cat 3
Bad thing: There's a few refineries that are still in the way.
Not so bad or good thing: Dolph Mobil is at 2.95 for regular.

Why can't jersey be cheaper? :(
um it's like this. I know very well that I shouldn't be complaining, but I compare the price of gas in Jersey to other parts of the country, which before Katrina hit, had gas that was pricier than us. Now they are cheaper than NJ, which just doesn't seem to fit the facts.
leBaronA38 said:
I compare the price of gas in Jersey to other parts of the country, which before Katrina hit, had gas that was pricier than us. Now they are cheaper than NJ, which just doesn't seem to fit the facts.

I compare the price of gas in Canada to the US, which before Katrina hit, had gas that was cheaper than us. Now they are still cheaper than Canada, which just doesn't seem to fit the facts.

We export gas to the US. The gas in the US is cheaper than it is here. If you want a homework assignment, go figure that out.

