I'm recovering from surgery

not a charger

Well-known member
The good kind. :bravo:

I ended up losing 157 lbs. I went from 357 to 200 in about 9 months, just with diet and excercise...LOTS of exercise. :giggedy:

Anyway, my health insurance pays for surgery to remove the excess skin and such if you lose 80lbs. or more. I had my lower torso done 3 weeks ago. End of September is my upper torso, and end of the year is my upper legs. It's not costing me a penny, so that's cool.

Recovery hasn't been easy, but it's been well worth it. Well, maybe not to my wife, as she's had to take care of both kids AND me during the last 3 weeks. :toot: The first 2 weeks were especially tough because I had 4 drains in my abdomen, which is pretty unpleasant and hurts like a mofo when they take them out.

Still, I went from a 52 inch waist to about a 34/35. My blood pressure went from 140/90 to 100/70. My severe, life-threatening sleep apnea is completely gone. This week, I bought a large t-shirt...it's the first time in about 20 years that I've bought a shirt that didn't have a size beginning with the letter "X." I feel the best I've ever felt in my life, and I look pretty damn good, too, at least from the neck down. :D
You lost more than I weigh. :) Congratulations, I can not relate at all to weight loss, but it sounds like you have accomplished what few of us have the fortitude to do.
excellent work! Not enough people put there health ahead of other things... work, family, hobbies etc.

Do you feel younger and more agile now?
Good job. Now when can I see your scar? :D

If you saw the scar, you'd end up seeing other things, too...and no one wants to see that. :gaga:

I feel better now than when I played sports in high school, and back then, my whole life was working out and playing football and baseball. From a cardio and overall health standpoint, I'm in the best shape of my life, though not as physically strong as I was back then. Then again, I don't lift now like I did then, either.
Excellent, NAC. I had no idea you'd gotten that big, but I'm glad to hear you took the bull by the horns and did something about it. :clap:
Excellent, NAC. I had no idea you'd gotten that big, but I'm glad to hear you took the bull by the horns and did something about it. :clap:

Me either.

I gotta do something about the extra 60 pounds I gained since quitting smoking. It`s not 157, but it`s starting to affect my life - especially at work. There`s a gym behind the shop, I may have to see if I can find the budget to start spending lunch hour there....
good for you... i know what it is like to be sick for a while. your going to do ok. i tried to lose weight but my wife keeps coming home. i have to lose a 100 anyway. but mine is mostly water. so that sucks. . i am glad your ok... :)

