I sprayed a little primer


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
on the default Style and then saved it as a new style called PrimerGrey.

You can select it using the box at the bottom left of the page.

There are some small parts that are still white, but they are either small enough no to matter or are pages that don't get viewed all that often - like settings and such.

There should also be a MOPARnuts.com banner at the top.
Let me know if the "squishy" problem comes back.
I figured out it's all about the type of file used for the logo. if what I've been told is true, this one shouldn't cause the squishy header problem... (and there are some Internet Exploder fixes in place now too.)
the Polaroids are pretty neat.

OMG I am so easily entertained: polaroids....... thinking there's an Eskimo joke here somewhere.
Looks good DCF. I really like the "carved in stone" banner pic you chose, someone did a pretty good job making that one...:toot:
Ah well, ya work with what ya got, right? :D

I've had that kicking around it seemed to suit things better in terms of size and shape.

And it IS rockin'! Get it 'rock' 'carved in stone' yeah? no?

Once I get some more drive time with the new graphics system - and the way things are done with this software now is completely different - I'll work up something for each style.

