I have most of the old ones


In a 55 gallon drum, floating down river, and
Staff member
but they are all renamed to numbers.

If you're looking for one in particular that I haven't already set up for your username, post it here. If I have, I'll put it in place for you.
would you please clarify this a tad, I'm not so sure I would want the old one back.... not knowing what exactly it is and all......
Well - the one that is your avatar right now is the one that I was referring to. Is that one okay? (It was yours, right?)

If you want something new, you can change it yourself in
userCP > Edit Avatar

This thread is really just a means to get rid of the broken links to the avatars that went poof. If that means me linking in the old one or you adding in a new one, it's all good.
Thanks, wasn't sure what you were referring to as my avatar and sig seemed to be just fine from the start.

thought you might be offering up old girlfriends, and I didn't want them the first time either... [smilie=2:
Ok how is it some avatars (will point out Mr.340 as an immediate example) are huge but mine can only be so big? Is there a way to make mine show up bigger?
Fishboy said:
Ok how is it some (will point out Mr.340 as an immediate example) are huge but mine can only be so big? Is there a way to make mine show up bigger?

who told you, and this is better left for a different forum......

