That's all still there - except the skin.
Private messages will show up under Notifications up at the top right. Notifications will also get highlighted if someone leaves you a visitor message, album comment, etc etc..
The Who's online is there as are the birthdays - down at the bottom still. Just laid out a bit differently - but pretty much in the same spot.
As I mentioned in the "Buckle up" annoncement, the skins were not going to make it through this upgrade.
The entire skinning system has been rewritten to make it easier. I'd argue that as looking at it, it's a bear - unless I just haven't found the "better way" yet.
Until I do, I'm looking for someone else's work that will suit our needs.
There are a couple of skins to choose from down at the bottom. Check 'em out and see if any are more tolerable for now.