I Cannot come up with a name to this song!


Divorced Bird
Hey all,

Remembered a Song I heard when I was a kid, in the late 80s I believe or early 90s at the latest. I think it was by Hank Jr. Tried searches and everything and it dont work. Anyway, here are some of the lyrics I remember, maybe someone can point me to the right song:

If it will it will
And if it wont it wont
If it does it does
And if it dont it dont

Help fellas, this ones got me!
well my name is bocephus I drink whiskey by the gallon I love to get drunk and I love a good challange................. If you say I won't then believe me I will.......... i was born to boogie!!!!!!!!!!


I guess.

HANK WILLIAMS, JR. lyrics - "Born To Boogie"


Well my momma met my daddy down in Alabama
They tied the knot so here I am.
Born on the bayou on the Texas Line
Loved Louisiana and raised on Jambalaya.

Now before I could walk I had a guitar in my hand
By the time I could talk I had my own band,
Went on the road when I was eight years old
When I turned fifteen I was stealing the show.

Money to burn and the girls were pretty
It didn't take me long to learn that I was born to boogie.

When I was eighteen I went to Hollywood
I met Elvis, Marilyn and Johnny B. Goode,
Got my guitar painted in the California sun
A red caddilac having to much fun.

Now we were playing them halls and jammin'
Then until they moved me on over to M.G.M.
They said this is the boy we've been telling you about,
He lit a cigar and stuck his hand out.

He said son have we got a deal for you
Gonna make you a star give you fifty thousand too.
I told him my Momma didn't raise no fool.
I'll take your money, I'll make you a movie
But I can tell ya' right now I am born to boogie.

Well my name is Bocephus I drink whiskey by the gallon
And I never back down and I love a good challenge
What I do now is what I did then
I like to get down with all my rowdy friends.

Now I can be sweet and I can be mean
I still got my hat and I still wear my jeans
My shades are chromo my guitar is steal
If you think I won't then believe me I will

Get down on you baby because I ain't no rookie
I was put here to party and I was born to boogie

