I am Gradumatated!!!


Well-known member
As of about noon, yours truly now has a Bachelor of Arts in Commercial Music Technology and a minor in Business. [smilie=b:

I feel so smrt!!! :D :D :D
BlackSpeed66 said:

Might wanna go back and finish your grade 5 english again :D

Good job though.

BlackSpeed66 said:
Bachelor of Arts in Commercial Music Technology

What does that get you for a job? Just curious because I've never heard of it before.
prolly the same thing as my degree in fine arts, not much. [smilie=s:

Sorry i am not familiar with it either.
Congrats! And I'll have to go with the rest in what does this entitle you to do legally or otherwise? [smilie=e:

Can you charge money to play a Jeopardy type of 20 questions to figure it out? And you get all the daily doubles?
Yeah, that degree sounds all big and fancy doesn't it?? :D

For what it is, the program dabbles in a bit of everything relating to music. Some music theory stuff, the business side, and the tech/gear side....ya know, recording studios and such. Between the car and my music junk, I'll be eternally broke as hell. You may not know this, but many musicians suffer from a horrible disease called G.A.S. or "Gear Acquisition Syndrome". I was clinically diagnosed 6 years ago, and from what I know, there is no known cure except when every possible piece of gear is purchased. Truly horrible.....

Anyway, my band is what I've got going for me, so wish me luck as I follow my dream!
BlackSpeed66 said:
You may not know this, but many musicians suffer from a horrible disease called G.A.S. or "Gear Acquisition Syndrome".

I am intimately familiar with that particular affliction.....
Ya know NAC, I tried to come up with a witty comeback, but I suck at coming up with witty comebacks......so I guess I'll just mow your lawn....

I need to sharpen my scissors first [smilie=a:

