Howdy again, fellas

not a charger

Well-known member
Long time, no see. What's new with everyone?

I'm approaching my 15th wedding anniversary. My kids are 7 1/2 and 2 1/2. I no longer own a Mopar. I somehow managed to find my old high school car, an 83 z28, and bought it back, 16 years after I sold it. I've lost 191 lbs. I still work for Progressive. I see Jass on Facebook regularly. That's about it.

Well hello there Notta. How's tricks? Much new and exciting?
I've lost around 70 pounds twice so far. Think I found most of it...again. Hate when that happens.
I wouldn't want my old high school car again...:hmmm:...well, maybe one of them.....but I left that in a pile of rubble after flipping it end-for-end @ 105mph. :doh:

Good to see you, (what's left of you anyway) Former-coronet-owner. :shifty:
The crusher got my first real old sweetie a few years after I traded her for a 1970 Challenger. A good buddy tossed his 69.5 Bee down the road - well more like off the road. I got the driveline out of it and replaced the tired 383/833/3.23. A lot of real real good times in that poor old girl. And twice the cops proved they're not all bad during those days.

I hope to recreate it someday. Got a 1969 runner coupe that will be the basis for it. Well unless I stumble on a great deal on a real 68 and save a shitload of mods to the '69.


