How would you handle this? Bad Truck Sale....


Divorced Bird
Well guys,

I had a fellow stop in the other day interested in an old Truck I had, a '65 Dodge. I quote him a price of $300 and he says he wants it. I told him specifically that the rear tires are mine, I put them on there because I dollied the Truck home and needed good street tires for it.

Well the next day he brought out $50, and left. I was gone the day after but it turns out him and a buddy came and got the truck. Wouldnt have been a big deal but they did NOT change out the tires! Used MY good tires to haul it home with. Not a big deal but he ended up putting them on ANOTHER truck that they drive.

I told him, I want my tires back! His excuse is is that he cant get any mounted and balanced. That isnt my problem! I dont want my good street tires ruined!

The dude is a lowlife! On Monday my good buddy and him split the profit on a Van that they scrapped and the dude was telling my Buddy that how most of it was going to me (He got about $110 or so on his end). Yesterday he brings out a $20 and his excuses are mounting. He also took home a gas tank for the other Truck yesterday and I priced that out at $20.

I also had an air bubble missing at the time and I found it in his yard yesterday, his excuse was that one of the kids grabbed it. There werent any kids out there the day he grabbed the Truck with his buddys so I know they stole it.

The dude has no job, and mooches off his Wife. He already took the door glass out of the Truck and the Clutch stuff for the other one. His Mother in law is my neighbor and they all dont like him at all. All of them think he has no intentions of paying me for the truck. Me included since yesterday he didnt give me a date to when he was supposed to pay me more.

So, I've decided to repossess the truck. I've got the title and His wife's Dad owns the land and gave me permission to go get it.

I think I've learned a lesson here, dont let anything leave the yard on credit especially to people you dont know very well. The bad part is is that I wasnt here when they got it and they told my parents that they were just changing the tires out.

The way I figure it is that the $50 is for the parts that he took off it for the other Truck (Door glass, clutch stuff). He can either cough up another $250 immediately or he loses the Truck. Either way its coming home and NOT leaving till its payed for.

How would you have handled this knowing the variables above?
air bubbles are the little air tanks to fill tires and such.

i dont let vehicles leave unless they're paid in full. the end.
One more thing, I have a buddy that I buy a LOT of stuff from, usually payments, he understands my job (shitty), and that I have a family. I could probably take stuff I buy home, but I won't, I consider him a good friend and want to keep it that way. Not that this guy is a friend, or even an aquaintance...NO $$$ = NO PRODUCT
So am I right in Repoing the thing till he figures out how to pay me? And, how long should I hold it for before selling it off for scrap?
Yes you are in the right, it is theft.

How bad is it???

Save good parts, and call him the day you take it to scrap, he doesn't deserve the courtesy of being able to purchase it...IMHO
GO back with the cops-- he,ll either give the truck back or you get the money. tell the cops the story and charge him with theft.aqnd show the cops your ownership have the 50 bucks with you. if they don,t charge him and you get screwed.:mad:.WAIT....... someday your tgoing to come around the corner and then KNUCKLE THE BASTARD. DEBT PAID.......WOULD I? don,t ask and i will tell you no lies:toot: ----ORVIL
.... tell the cops the story and charge him with theft.and show the cops your ownership have the 50 bucks with you.

If he doesn't have a receipt for the $50, it never happened.
Posession of the vehicle without any proof of payment or ownership is theft, period.
Did you have a bill of sale and a due bill that showed what he owed? Still you have title I would re'po it and keep the money..

Been 30 years sense I did that but been there done it.
He has the truck, you have the title therefore it's YOUR truck by law as long as that title is in YOUR name. I agree with how you dealt with it. Everyone else here seems to have mentioned everything else, so I won't bother but I hope you get the thing back and it all works out in your favor man. :bravo:
He has the truck, you have the title therefore it's YOUR truck by law as long as that title is in YOUR name.
This is where it could get messy, does anyone really think every vehicle on the property is properly titled ( as the law states it must be)? That would cost Jamie a fortune!!
Hence why I threw that in there. Hopefully it is for his sake or he atleast is friends with the guy he got it from so HE can go over and get the truck back.....who knows?! Either way Jaime got ripped and I hope he gets the truck back and the scumbag gets what he deserves as well.
bunches of cars attract rats, and not the nice furry four legged ones.

give him a chance with a written payment plan, but in the future like you and everyone else stated no cash no product.
First take his wife. Part her out. then, sell his children. Next, find him and hamstring him. Pack his legs in salt, and put him in the basement.

Then, never let anything go without payment, Jamie. Unless you can afford to walk away from it. EVER.

