Hi guys....


Well-known member
Man, it's been awhile...so how's everyone doing?
I've been pretty busy with family and with my non-profit organization. I have a website now which takes up a lot of time, adding bits and pieces every night. Our name is quickly spreading around and heard from resources that people are complementing our work, which feels great.
I've started on a drawing project which seems to be taking forever to accomplish. It's my first non-mopar drawing.....*please be kind* [smilie=f:LOL
I've meet a few automotive artists online who's artwork are very inspiring & their works are displayed in several magazines. I've grown to like the early hot rods & gassers, but nothings taking over my love for mopars.
My hubby bought a a propane heater for our 1 car garage, now that he's done working on his snowmobile, he'll start working on the interior of the coronet. Still haven't worked any further on the body of the car, maybe next summer.
Hope all is going well!

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Hey Liz! Glad to see you are doing well with your project. Also glad to hear that you are also fine!
Hey gurly, good thing you think of us once in awhile. Haven't clicked yet but good luck with that.
Hey Liz howzit goin. Pat and i were talkin about a couple of days ago when we saw some friends who have an Autistic child. Thanks for the web on line here i,ll pass it along and see what happens. glad your doin it.. we are all proud of ya kid. tell us what is happening . you know us we have to know -- call any time as always k? Ed:)
Thanks guys, good to see the site still going strong. :)

Orvil, it's common now that everyone knows someone with autism, it's a growing epidemic that no one can ignore and thank you for passing on my website!

Devon has grown so much, he's focusing more, showing a lot more eye contact and constantly wants to engage in play. He really strives on physical activity, my poor back feels as if going to give any moment. I'm visiting my chiropractor's office a lot this past month.
He's still non-verbal, but he will bring me items to initiate his needs.

Little Daron is 15 months old today, and what a hand-full! I'm convinced he'll be the next evil knievel. He has this glint in his eye and a mistivious laugh that only spells trouble. :D So far he's developing quite nicely, learning a new word every week and doesn't show any signs of autism.

This summer and fall Jerry's been busy updating the look of our house, we finally have the wanescoat finished, installed new flooring and he built the boys a bunkbed made out of whitepine which has the natural blue stain, very unique and gives it character!

I'm already contemplating ideas for our car show next year, it's my way to be motivated and survive the winter months. We woke up this morning with snow on the ground for the first time this year. Didn't stay very long, thank god.

It was great hearing from you guys! Take care and have a happy thanksgiving!

Glad to see you back on here Liz....I was thinking the other day I adn't seen you in awhile.

Glad things are going well and everyone is comming alone...keep up the good work. :2thumbs:

