Hey fellas!


Well-known member
How's everyone doing?

Been too long since I visited, my apologies! Recently I've been gathering last minutes things for the Deary car show that I organize -- that it in itself can be stressful, particularly when you depend on sponsorship to help pay for trophies, giveaway gifts, t-shirts and such! The economy in our area has taken a hit...I've been paying for most of the stuff myself. And what's saddening, the car shows in our region has slimmed down considerably....10-25 cars at each show!

Personally, I've been busy with my drawings. My last two projects are acrylic paintings, which I'll share with you. I've always been afraid of using color, with pencil you at least have an eraser to correct mistakes!

The autism society organization I started is merging with the Idaho Autism Community, a state wide organization that is opening several chapters through out the state. This is great news for us, for we will now have the capability to offer conferences & work shops!

Hope all is well with you moparnuts! Take care!



  • 69 bee for web.jpg
    69 bee for web.jpg
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  • 52 chevy for web.jpg
    52 chevy for web.jpg
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Great to hear from you, Liz. Sounds like you've got your hands full... we can forgive that. Just stop by and say "Hey!" when you can.

Love the painting... the other one's a Chevy. :D
Great to hear from you, Liz. Sounds like you've got your hands full... we can forgive that. Just stop by and say "Hey!" when you can.

Love the painting... the other one's a Chevy. :D

Thanks Jass! Yeah.....shame on me, I drew a chevy! LOL I do need to broaden my portfolio-- my next project is a 69 GTO! [smilie=f::D
Holy crap your talented! [smilie=2:Those are your first paintings?! :gaga:Very talented indeed.:giggedy:
:hmmm: I've seen those somewhere before.

AHA! Click the banner in her signature! Click the banner in her signature!

*chuckles* yes, Dave was nice enough to build my website, which I'm very thankful for! :)

Stretch - thanks for the kind words buddy, good chatting with you the other day!
Ooops. I wasn't fishing there.

I was trying to get everyone to go look at your site.

*looks at self and says, "You schmuck."*
Ohhh, loook what David did.... :D:D:D
Lookin good Liz, very nice!
Yes David, thats very nice too, now put it back.... ;)
Good to hear from you Liz...sorry to hear that your local car scene has really slowed down.:(

Really hope your sponsors come through for your show and great to hear that the autism society is evolving and becoming a bigger and better place for all those involved and affected.

Oh and mighty fine work there too...;)
Good to hear from you Liz...sorry to hear that your local car scene has really slowed down.:(

Really hope your sponsors come through for your show and great to hear that the autism society is evolving and becoming a bigger and better place for all those involved and affected.

Oh and mighty fine work there too...;)

Why, thank you TC! It's good to see familiar faces! :) Yesterday I got two more sponsors, so today my hubby and I went to our auto supply store and bought some goodies for the give-away gifts, that was fun! I'm very excited, yet bummed that it's coming to an end. If anyone's interested, I put together a website for the car show: www.dearyshownshine.com We're going to have an art show along with the car show. And to top it off we'll have a pinstripe artist there! During the time of the car show will be a class reunion, so hopefully we will sell a bunch of artwork! :dance:
I like your artwork and I've seen the stuff you got on your site too. Are they actual painting? Oil, acrylic? I used to do cars in pencil shading, but not nearly as good but I have a couple scans and the originals tucked away. Nice work!

