

This space for rent
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - O.J. Simpson, the former football star who was famously cleared of murder in the sensational 1990s "Trial of the Century," was found guilty on all charges in his Las Vegas kidnapping and robbery case on Friday.

Simpson was convicted along with co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart on the 13th anniversary of his controversial 1995 acquittal and immediately jailed by Clark County District Court Judge Jackie Glass.
Both Simpson, 61, and Stewart, 54, face mandatory minimum sentences of five years behind bars and could be sentenced to life in prison.
The star-athlete-turned-actor appeared somber and emotional as the verdict was read late on Friday night, and winced as he was handcuffed by marshals and led from the courtroom into a holding cell.

Good riddence.
Ohhh I feel bad for him....Oh wait no I don't....Good riddence to bad rubbish....:2thumbs:
'bout phockin' time to take out the trash. He really should be taking a nice nap with his old buddy Johnny.
My cousin is a photographer for the la times and was sent out to photo the carnage. She said words and pictures could never show just how hacked up those two ppl were. Eek. I don't know how she does her job.
Life in prison is too good for him.
That's what I like about living in Nevada. If he'd have been tried in Oregon, the jury would've elected him governor. G'bye, O.J.
Nice, finally... I saw one pic of him and he looked like he was crying. I'll see if I can locate it and post it
You know, I can't speak for the jury but if I'd been called for duty I probably would have lied and said I could be impartial just so I could get that cocksucker behind bars. He got away with murder for 14 years because he got the stupidest jury ever assembled, period... then swears he's looking for the "real" killer(s), whom he apparently thought were golfers since he always seemed to be on the links. On top of that, the '95 murder defense team worked the race angle and got the black community behind him which I found humorous since every time you'd seen pictures of him, he was golfing, socializing, and hob-nobbing with folks that were almost without fail all white. He had very few black friends.

As they mentioned on the news today, due to his age nearly any sentence could for all intents and purposes be a life sentence. It's 13 years too late, but I say good riddance anyhow. I hope he spends the rest of his life being gang-raped by semi-literate black thug gangsters just intelligent enough to recognize the complete bullshit he pulled in the mid '90s with the race angle versus his real friends at the time.

If I seem overly agitated about this, it's because many years ago, I read a book by Vincent Bugliosi (yes, the same guy that successfully prosecuted Charles Manson) called "Outrage" that reviewed the OJ murder trial. I've been incensed ever since, maybe moreso because I was raised with--and therefore have intimate knowlege of--the legal system, a knowledge I later expanded to the other side of the bench. :D Still, any mention of OJ instantly pisses me off. I don't even find humor in OJ jokes. I don't want him dead--I want him to suffer for what he did to his wife and for how he and his legal team perverted the American justice system.

Johnnie Cochran was a 2nd-rate lawyer at his very best; he was only on that legal team for the color of his skin. If you are/were at all impressed with his courtroom antics, you're as stupid as that jury... poor theatrics and coached bamboozling was all he had. When he died, I raised my fist and said "Yes!"

I will do the same when the good Earth is finally rid of OJ Simpson.
So how long does he get????
Seriously, they are saying his minimum actual time in the Greybar will be 5-9 years before parole, and that's only if the Judge goes easy on him.
Once he's safely tucked in prison, I think someone should send him a care package in the form of a chicken bomb. There's some justice!

