Greatest Job as a kid?


Driving around in circles and
I know this may seem like an odd topic, but I seriously think i had the greatest day of work today. As most of you don't know, I work at Radioshack. I'm only part time because I'm still a full-time student. Anyways, my base pay is $6.50 an hour plus commission. Radioshack has two types of commission, we get commission on our overall sales total, and we get "spiffs" for certain types of sales (Cell Phones mostly). Well anyways today was just me and my manager working, although I busted my butt I left with one hell of a smile knowing how much I made today. With two cell phone activations I made almost $40 in spiffs, for five hours that figures out to $8 an hour. In addition to that, I wentabout $600 over my sales quota, so I make 2.75% of that, so thats about an additional $3 an hour? Now add that all up on to my base pay and I averaged almost $18 an hour today, seriously freaking amazing. If I had to do the math on my manager I'd say she averaged at least $35+ per hour today. In 5 hours she had almost $100 in cell phone "spiffs" alone. Plus she went over her sales quota by about $1000, so 2.75% of that.. PLUS her base pay. Sounds like radioshack is a pretty sweet place to work at! Enough gloating... what was your favorite place to work at when you were a kid?
the gas station i worked at in high school... wasnt much pay.... but i worked with a vietnam vet.... he was cool as hell.... and a rejected hippy.... (gm fan but, not everyone is perfect) then there was the guy i worked with that looked like droopy the dog.... fun times.... the 2 guys i worked with all the time were both potheads so there was always something interesting being said...
Had a ton of cool jobs, but I think the most fun was designing and building ultralight aircraft.....I was more of a gopher than anything, but damn fun time. :)
I worked at a stable. I pitched horse shit fer $2.00 an hour. But I would rather deal with horse biscuits then deal with customers.
In 5th or 6th grade I worked after school at a little luncheonette around the corner from my house; dusted the candy racks, arranged the Hostess display, etc. Got paid in baseball cards and candy. :giggedy: Since I cleaned the floors I got the nickname "Mop n' Glo"
best job (ever too) Paper route in Omaha, best tip: A whole plate of warm chocolate chip cookies, seems I suprised her baking. funnest thing to do, play fetch with big old german shepard for 10 minutes a day.
As a kid, I lived on a farm. All my jobs had to do with animals, either what was going to go into them, or what was coming out. The hours were shitty and the work was hard, but at least the pay sucked.
As a kid, I lived on a farm. All my jobs had to do with animals, either what was going to go into them, or what was coming out. The hours were shitty and the work was hard, but at least the pay sucked.

same here. :jagoff:
lol...he actually was my neighbor, and we were in the same kindergarden class. Isn't that cute? :D
Probably the summer that I did vent re-fits on residential gas meters.

My friend and I worked for a contractor. There was one other guy working the region.

It was piece work at $2.50 each.

By the end of the first couple of weeks we got good enough to do 40 re-fits before lunch. That's $100 a day if we stopped there - which we did all too often. :)

The cool thing was that part of the job was also to document what types of meters were at each house. We figured out where a lot of the low pressure neighbourhoods were and cherry-picked those streets out of the list. Low pressure meters don't have vents to re-fit - there's one big unit for a bunch of houses - and only a licensed fitter could touch those.

So, some days, our job was to walk up and down the street to make sure a range of houses were low pressure and then sit in the car and write up the cards. We'd save some of those for rainy days and after we finished writing up the cards, we'd go shoot pool and drink draft at the Legion.

The only probelm we ever had was when we showed up on one street that had been hit several times by burglars. The burglars were young guys carrying gym bags that'd go around the back of the house and try and kick their way in through a back door during the day when people were at work.
Well, we carried our vent shields and tools in gym bags. So, we fit the bill. Inside of 15 minutes, I had a lady pushing a baby stroller question me and then run away when I tried to answer her and then at least 5 different people from the street corral me and my friend and pepper us with questions. It was all good in the end, but I ended up having to work on the neighbourhood "mayor's" house and the vent on his meter was rusted shut - probably the worst I had worked on to that point. It took me almost 20 minutes where most take less than 4.
and my mother-in-law was my bus chit. Course she wasn't my mother-in-law then.[smilie=f:
she was still just your sister? :wtf:

(man! are we lucky DG's got a good sense of humour.)
Working at the Wrecking Yard for $6-$10 an hour depending on work, tearing apart Chev, Dodge and Ford alike!

Man I loved that job, and then the mad rush to strip as many parts as possible before the crusher showed up! Then that afternoon of crushing was awesome!

If it was slated to be crushed I got to bust out all the windows with a tire iron! Now how can a 15 year old kid not love that! :giggedy:

Skinned alot of knuckles the first few months. :doh:
As a kid, I lived on a farm. All my jobs had to do with animals, either what was going to go into them, or what was coming out. The hours were shitty and the work was hard, but at least the pay sucked.

Several summers on my aunt and uncles farm. I actually enjoyed it for the most part but I also retired at 16.:shifty:

