Good news for me about my pay cut

not a charger

Well-known member
Well, today I sat down with my boss, his boss, and his boss' boss. They were all very worried that I was going to leave, or raise hell, or both. Due to changes in the pay scale and the profit-sharing factor for my job, we calculated that my pay cut, including reduced bonus, would be $18k!!! Yeah, I told them, I'm not too likely to respond well to an $18k pay cut when, out of 150 or so people in the company that do my job, I have been the top performer every month since I started in this position. They agreed. Their solution?

Promote me. LOL I had an on-the-spot interview, no preparation, no nothing. It was for a job that they had already interviewed people for, but hadn't yet made a decision. I'm more qualified than the other applicants, so they said if I wanted it, it was mine. It's a job that's been offered to me before, and I've passed it up, mostly because my current job is a piece of cake and I made damn good money for doing something that is very easy for me to do, and also because my current job is hourly...overtime is addicting when you spend your first 10+ years on salary, as I did. I knew that I was overpaid for my current job, but I work my ass off to earn it.

So, they really treated me right in the end. I have a great boss. The job isn't something I really want to do, but it's something I can do and do very well, and it's a hell of a lot better than losing $18k.
Great, I know salary sucks, but it's better than the pay cut. Are you gonna make more now than did before the cut...not gettin personal just curious. Anyway Congrats :2thumbs:
Great news!!!!!!!!! It has to be a kick in the pants when you know they value your experience and work ethic. I am really glad for you notta :xl:
I've pretty much been on salary for most of my life. Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's just a way for employers to skirt labour laws. I'm fortunate that I am treated pretty well, and that although we scrap a lot, I count my employer among my friends.

Sounds like your boss is doing right by you ...

Great deal buddy, do whats right for the clan now and maybe catch back up later.

Maybe take the boss out for a steak too:cool:
I'm back to being a manager. I'll be responsible for our crew of estimators, and I'll also be responsible for checking repaired vehicles to ensure proper, quality repairs were done. Me and one other guy will share both responsibilities.
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, that's for sure. Good to hear it worked out favorable. :)
Does this mean that my insurance premiums are gonna go up or down?:huh:

Glad that thinks worked out for the better. ;)
Woo Hoo! That's great! I've also been on salary for a few of my gigs, including the current one, and it can be a bummer, but 18K is a lot! OT can be addicting, but then you suddenly find yourself counting on it and then you are routinely working 60 hours a week..that sucks more...don't ask me how I know.

It's also very rare to find a manager that would actually make a move like that... I'd take gio's advice and take that guy out for a steak dinner.
68R/T said:
Does this mean that my insurance premiums are gonna go up or down?:huh:

LOL I've said before when we had a "how much do you make" thread that I'd never tell, because people would say one of two things:

"No wonder my insurance costs so much."


"If that's all you make, why does my insurance cost so much?"


