good bye and good night everyone


Tank driver
after realizing what i posted, i decided to be a little more mature.

I'm not coming back until I think I can actually be a better member of this forum.

I don't want my account deleted, but I want to say, "I'm sorry" to XLR8R, Beep, 340 bros, and perty much everyone here that either knows or doesn't know me.

I wish I hadn't posted it, but I really wish that I could use a little maturity.

Yes, I do think that an ass-whooping would be good now, because I do deserve it.

Yes, I do think that I was an asshole. And if Scatpack wasn't down, I"d probably just stay there. But since it is, there are two websites that I am currently still on: Farley's and

but really, i am not going to post again until i really think i can come back and be a nice guy, like the rest of you...

goodbye moparnuts

*slowly shuts door and lets door hit him in behind*
Dude, you're only 16. Don't worry, it'll get better.

This is only the internet, and its not worth getting upset over.

Come on back when you're ready.

And this happened because...........

Heck, if I thought I'd get beeotched slapped by XL and beeper every time I posted something that those two found offensive, I would have been banned many moons ago......but there really isn't anything you can say to PO an XL or a beepish unit now is there? And if one could manage such a feat and they did start a beeotch slap fest on my hinney.......

"Beep and XL walked into a bar with a duck and bunny under each arm.
The bartender says.............."
6pkrunner said:
"Beep and XL walked into a bar with a duck and bunny under each arm.
The bartender says.............."

"Bridal suite again?"

Okay 68, I think the two of them have enough stamina to beeotch slap both our hinneys then. Oooooh, getting all spandexy just thinking about it.
6pkrunner said:
And this happened because...........

"Beep and XL walked into a bar with a duck and bunny under each arm.
The bartender says.............."

inden ? :toot: :toot:
Life is short. Tis done, lad. come back if yah want to....although I am not sure Scatpack feels any different. :D
Be good.

6iiiixxxxy? Kin ah spank youse agin?
Beep and XL are in the bridal suite. After much soul searching XL turns to beep and says "Beep I want to be frank with you..."
Beep jumps up and yells, "No I want to be Frank this time!"

-and this time XL use the cat-o-nine ostrich feathers. The robin's wings don't sting like they used to.
at 16. Why would us nuts turn away a new potential mopar faithful at a young age? We could lose another moron to the rice burner world. That would be a horrible thing to everyone. To keep the mopar hobby alive i would think that we would encourage as many young kids as possible. Who is goin to keep your mopars in your garage alive for many years to come?

Hell there are some people on here that show less maturity then albert. I personally do not have a problem with anyone. Unless its everyone secretly plotting against me. If we chase albert away then would we not be sending ourself to the low standard of some other mopar board that i will not name?

I hate to hear people leaving because of pressure from other members it just makes the board less family oriented and more into a hate board. If i got emo about all the crap that has been said to me by people i would be a suicidal nutcase. Something i learned real fast in my last trade.
We secretly hate you, DD. You are, in fact, on the ignore list of all 600 members.

fine. I am lieing. Down. one is chasing Alberto away, he is merely taking a self controlled time-out. Like my nap time. :banana:
Well I just read the thread where the poor lad slit his own throat. Shame to have such lack not only of common sense but basic decorum and decency. Really to have such a remiss self indicator or guidance device should be more pitied than lashed out against. Really - no screwing around. Totally a sociopath to the feelings of others around you.

And speaking of feelings - XL down...down...down..left..left oooohhhh big boy, aren't you the frisky one tonight.
Everyone here is on my ignore list, that's why I never know what the discussion is about. I just make random posts where ever I feel like.

Albert - we have never talked before, but really buddy - you should really really really think before you type. By virtual that you can type means there is some neurons firing upstairs and although has the skin thickness of three adult rhinos and two bunnys in heat, others not nearly so much so. Do you so easily make enemies in real life? If so you should analyze the way in which you communicate to fellow members of the homo sapiens species. [Beavis]"huh huh huh huh I said homo"[/Beavis]
number one person on everyone's ignore list- even those not on this board said:
Everyone here is on my ignore list, that's why I never know what the discussion is about. I just make random posts where ever I feel like.


-did someone just type something?
not usually. the two guys at school who hate's my religion.

they're anti semites and unfortunately quite open about it. one guy called me a filthy jew a week back.

I'm also disliked for the fact that I don't really listen in class. And one girl hates me because I got a better grade on a test and she blamed me because I got a 95 and she got a 59.

