Forum Suggestion


Driving around in circles and
I've come to notice that music is a big part of your guys' life, and while sitting here listening to one of my new favorite artists i realized that this site needs a music forum. Anything music related, talk about some of your favorite bands, post videos of amazing guitar work, or just make a blatant post to get your band in the limelight. I'm sure you guys would have more than enough to talk about in there... what ya think?
What are you listening to now? Who's hep in the college front? Last band to catch my ear was arctic monkeys. :)
"HEP" Either your as ancient as me :eek: or the slang of the hippie days is makin a second trip around .:giggedy:
Should I pull out the bell bottoms!:shifty: Rich.
Started playing guitar in 1967, switched to bass in '72. Toured much of the southwest in '77. Owned a recording studio from '85 - '89. Then I got married and started having kids. Still have my custom built Explorer style Bass from 1980, thou. If the kids don't want it, they can bury me with it. I was a whore, so I played just about any style of music: rock, pop, lounge lizard, country.
I played the trumpet, but I excelled at the flute..... :D

what kind? Alto, bass, or skin? :doh:

Actually it was a Cornet, and now my 12 year old plays it, the same instrument I had in high school. She is very good at it, and will probably end up a better player than I was. But I still remember a lot, and shocked her the other day when I did a triple scale. She had come home saying how her teacher could do a double scale on the trumpet, and of course I had to show him up. :D
Too bad, DG....I was fantasizing. :( forum is in, under the general tabs. :)
"HEP" Either your as ancient as me :eek: or the slang of the hippie days is makin a second trip around .:giggedy:
Should I pull out the bell bottoms!:shifty: Rich.

The first time I use that phrase and I'm called out on it. hehehehehe
Groovy. :)

