Firing people is fun.....


Well-known member
We had to fire our other guitarist yesterday. Man was that an uncomfortable conversation. We had legit reasons, but he sure didn't take it real well. I have a feeling he may be a poor sport about this in the future........bleh.......
Been there, done that, got the friggin' tshirt. That is worst part of having a band... getting rid of the dead weight.

On the positive side, if you have to replace someone, a guitar player is the easiest to find!

Good luck!

Adam [smilie=a:
They'll need a good MOPAR cr to go out and find a new guitarist.

Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.
Well, to put it into perspective (and to make NAD happy) our now ex-guitarist mentioned after practice one evening that he was trying to get 10,000 miles out of his current oil change. I just looked at him and shook my head. Now you see what I was dealing with, LOL.

Some people...... [smilie=b:
The last time I had to fire somebody I waited until after the gig and it was hand out the money time you know,and I would give him a 20 and then chew his a$$ some and them give him another one and chew some more and so on.When it comes to money you get their undivided attention and it usually doesnt get too pyisical.He would never come to practice,missed the breaks because of it and made us sound bad.Played the same ol crap all the time and we just got tired of it.Too bad-he was good too,a waste of talent. [smilie=e:

