Feeling old?


This space for rent
I am. :(


Actually it was my late High School years before these started showing up, it was like rocket science then..:D

Reel to reel movie projectors were the big thrill during the majority of my school years.
Remember the movie projector skipping and making that chattering noise as the teacher pushed the lever trying to get it to track correctly. And I too didn't feel old untill reading this. Thanks Stick Bitch!
That "A/V" equipment is too modern to have been used at Sydney Forks Elementary School, and there was most certainly not any type of video player underneath it. The one we had was a black and white model, on a huge wardrobe-type stand and we used to have to truck down to the basement to watch it. We got to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon in '69, and I think we watched game 7 in '72 on that big old TV.
Sadly, that two room school and those big-adventure days are loooonnnnng gone...
I remember the reel to reel projectors, up well into the 80's. I THINK we might have started using vcr's by the late 80's or 1990, not sure.
i loved walking in the room to see that ..

mind you later on in public school every classroom had one that sat in the corner by the time i graduated gr 8

highschool was the same story and college the computer projector was taking over so long gone were the tv carts and overhead projector carts as it was mounted on the ceilings.

My girlfried was doing placements at one highschool and the kids were doing a touchscreen projector on the wall .... i was a WTF?
What about film strips? You know, put the record on the turntable, and everytime you hear the 'tone' you manually advance the film strip to the next slide.
What about film strips? You know, put the record on the turntable, and everytime you hear the 'tone' you manually advance the film strip to the next slide.
Make it a cassette, and that's the technology with which I learned. It explains why I didn't learn much.
I started school in about 1980, and I remember the old reel-to-reel projectors. Then we eventually graduated to the VCR and TV combo, and we had those until I graduated in the 90's.

Think my 20 year graduation re-union is coming up...missed the 10 year..so will probably ignore the 20 as well.
I had a blast at my 20! However, from the reports I got it was a good thing I skipped my 10. Things apparently got a little awkward at that one.

A bit of advice: sex in a Jeep is a lot more daunting in your late 30s. :D I learned a number of things at that reunion, including the fact that my HS girlfriend can still throw a pretty-good punch.
Yep ignored the 10, 20 is this year and it's not worth my time to travel the 1500 miles or so to attend. Besides well my best friend from high school, the only person I'd care to see, well I'm, uhh engaged to his HS GF... No hard feelings but it's kinda awkward between us...

Funny thing about high school, I HATED it!!! I didn't realize how bad I screwed around when I was there, until the other day when I got my transcript to enroll in college. Yeah 1.74 GPA :D not because I'm stupid, I just didn't want to be there a little bit! There were a buuuuuunch of F's, way more than I remembered... Thinking back I should've paid a LOT more attention to everything :hmmm:
Well, I guess it's more fun for a single guy, truth be known. The story of my 20-year isn't exactly family material.
Funny thing about high school, I HATED it!!! I didn't realize how bad I screwed around when I was there, until the other day when I got my transcript to enroll in college.
There were a buuuuuunch of F's, way more than I remembered...
Me too!
No Fs on the report cards, but there were an awful lot of absenses marked in.
There were places I wanted to be and things I wanted to do, school wasn't one of them.
I did, however, spend a huge amount of time in the parking lot... :)
Had a serious car accident on Dec. 13th of my senior year. (flipped a 59 chev 'vert end-for-end @105), spent 4 weeks in the hospital, missed 42 days of school, spent the rest of the school year on crutches, so I never took a book to class---graduated with a 3.0 gpa. :p

I made up for the lost daily work on the tests. :rolleyes:

