Farewell old friend.


This space for rent
Today is a difficult day as it has brought to the end the life journey of a good pal. :( We had to put down our male cat today, affectionally nicknamed "The Boy" Lightning was as it seems part dog in his actions. In his prime he would play fetch although his attention span was short, to the end he would always greet me at the door after a hard days work and send me back off again the next morning.

When Cuda hit the scene he took her under his care and they became the best of friends, The Boy was pack leader here and kept puppy in line when the need arose, it was both comical and touching to see.

Kinda quiet around here now as he had a yowel and yodel that could be heard a block away and he loved to hear himself talk. :)

13 years and 8 months the same age as his mother at her passing five years ago on another cold January day. Was kidney failure that took them both.

God speed my friend, till we meet again.



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Oh man that's so tough.
Sorry for your loss.
Had a male tabby named Bud, he played fetch and always acted tough to me, but the kids could drag him around and he never did anyting bad toward them.
I've lost a few pets over the years and can say that it's easier to get over an ex-wife than it is to loose a loyal pet.

I feel for ya buddy. :(
Our hearts are out to ya Beeper.Know how you are feeling as we lost our first 2 ferrets a few years back. The 2 new ones are alright for the most part but just not the same as the originals. :(
I know what you mean.
Couple years ago, we put down our 17 year old cat "Soot". Nicknamed "Boubbas", he was hail and hearty up till near the end - blocked urinary tracts did him in.
Blind as a bat, but he ruled Supreme over the other two cats and the dog.
He was 13 lbs of unconditional love and affection. Greeted me at the door every time I came in, purred so deeply it echoed, and kept laps warm all winter.
We still miss him greatly.

Sorry for your loss, Man.
Aw, Beep, I am sorry. He was a beautiful Siamese, of the old-fashioned type. It is so very hard when they leave us, be they canine, feline or feathered. We have the ashes of two cats, and of course, our beloved Cruiser, in urns in the living room, and Sparky, our pet Starling, is buried in the back yard. He was 16 yrs. old when he died........an age that a wild Starling would never see. And, yes, he talked, and whistled.

Godspeed Boy..........you will be dearly missed. [smilie=a:
My condolences to you and the wife, beep. I know how this affects people, but how's Cuda holding up?
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, certainly appreciated and helpfull.

I know how this affects people, but how's Cuda holding up?

She is kinda lost and confused, looking around for her little buddy. I'm sure in time she will adjust. We still have one cat left but her and Cuda don't get along as well, "Stormy" is fun to chase but she is mentally unstable. :D
The hardest part of owning pets is knowing that we will most likely outlive them. I truly feel for ya', pal.:(
The hardest part of owning pets is knowing that we will most likely outlive them. I truly feel for ya', pal.:(

Yup, pretty much what I was gonna say. I keep saying "I will never get attached to one again" but dammit somehow one always wins you over. I know what it's like to loose one, condolences to ya, Beeper.
Sorry Beep, that's one of the shittiest things people have to go through. My beast cat, Vincent, is 20 years old and finally showing his age. We'll have to put him down soon, I think. :(
Sorry to hear Beeper. Saying goodbye to an old friend is hard I've had to do it many times. Just remember the goodtimes you guys had.

