Down Home Folk Get Schooln'

Hemi Cuda

Well-known member
Two good ol' boys, Skeeter and Bubba, are sitting at

their favorite bar, drinking beer. Skeeter turns to
Bubba and says, "You know, I'm tard of going through
life without an education. Tomorrow I think I'll go to
that there community college and sign up for some
Bubba thinks it's a good idea, and the two leave.

The next day Skeeter goes down to the college and
meets the dean of admissions, who signs him up for the
four basic classes: math, English, history, and logic.

"Logic?" Skeeter says. "What's zat?"

The dean says, "I'll show you. Do you own a weed
"Then logically because you own a weed eater, I
think that you would have a yard."
"That's true, I do have a yard."
"I'm not done," the dean says. "Because you have a
yard, I think logically that you would have a house."
"Yes, I do have a house."
"And because you have a house, I think that you
might logically have a family."
"I do have a family."
"I'm not done yet. Because you have a family, then
logically you must have a wife."
"Yes, I do have a wife."
"And because you have a wife, then logically you
must be a heterosexual."
"I am a heterosexual. That's plum amazing! You were
able to find out all of that all because I have a weed
Excited to take the class now, Skeeter shakes the
dean's hand and leaves to go meet Bubba at the bar.
He tells Bubba about his classes - how he is signed
up for math, English, history, and logic.
"Logic?" Bubba says, "What's zat?"
Skeeter says, "I'll show you. Do you have a weed
"Yore queer, ain'tcha Bubba?"
mr340 said:

I'm not surprised.......

That was a good one! :D

I'm some what new here and don't know anybody so don't want to upset anybody. But maybe we can take up a collection to buy LEBARON a weedeater.:eek:
Hemi Cuda said:
But maybe we can take up a collection to buy LEBARON a weedeater.:eek:

That has to be the qoute of the day!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Someone give this man a Cheerio.

