Down 100 lbs. since the beginning of October

Way to go! Losing that much weight that quickly really takes a lot of dedication and effort. Hope you make it down to your goal weight.

I need to lose just a few too, quit smoking and gained 60 where I already could've lost 30 :D
Good stuff! I managed 20 since the beginning of December - with about 15 more to go to get to my target.

So far, it's all just been a change in eating habits. I've ignored the exercise completely.

What's the secret to your success?
that's cool!! if losing weight is your thing...

just so that everyone here knows; I'm fat, dumb, and happy.

i smoke a pack a day

and the only reason why i don't give a shit is because i don't want to live long enough to need someone to wipe my ass. i want to wipe my own ass the day i die.:bravo:

unless of course i become filthy rich and can have a 22 year old gymnast do it for me.. then i'll quit smokin.
I hear ya.

I need to trim down for a hernia operation. The ;ess fat, the better the chances of the repair taking good hold.

But ya know what? I do feel a whole lot better than I used to. I used to have to plan a day off after any day of strenuous activity so that I could recover. Now, I just don't feel as bad...
Way to go NAC. Are you gonna be The Biggest Loser? :)

I could stand to drop 20 lbs or so. Tater chips are my nemesis. :(
ive lost about 30' bad i didnt have anything to realy lose in the first place(yeah thats the bad kind of weight loss)
unless of course i become filthy rich and can have a 22 year old gymnast do it for me.. then i'll quit smokin.

And if you get the right one, he might even enjoy it. :bwuhaha:
That's basically it...

In my case, I needed a plan to follow. This one made the most sense to me.

The blueprinting is what made me think this one made the most sense. It goes through a process to figure out your body type and what you want to accomplish. You don't get locked in either, because there's room to adjust specific areas as you see fit. Then, from that, the specific eating and exercise plan is layed out for you.

The topper is the fact that while they provide some recipes, they also just tell you what kinds of food to eat at each meal and how much. So, you can't get bored of what you're eating. That website has tons of recipes too.

There's info on how to deal with restaurant menus.

And if you get hungry between meals, you EAT! It's just a matter of what you eat....
I need to lose about 100lbs, guess I better get started

Using the link you put up DCF I have a "C" body type
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I once lost 127lbs......................:toot:

....but she kept coming back to see the kids. :(

